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What Is Emptiness?


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one of the bpd traits is feeling empty

what is this emptiness as far as you are concerned?

eg; emotional emptiness, lack of joy, what?

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I think for me it's a feeling of having nothing inside, no substance, so to speak.

Maybe it's many things like lack of joy that give rise to feeling of complete emptiness, maybe it's just one thing, I dunno. Perhaps it's my head that's empty.

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I agree with you Soul. An empty head, no racing thoughts, etc. would be cool.

I also agree that it feels as though I have no soul. I so seldom have genuine feelings about things I do whether good or bad - everything feels fake.

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Looking at emptiness with a Buddhist thought......"Emptiness" (sunyata) is a state of which I experience as returning back to nirvana. The way I came into this world is the way I live and most likely will move on. "Emptiness" allows me to unclog my mind from my anger, suffering, pain, injustice, hatred, ego's, ills....... Letting go of unpurposeful thoughts and things that clog my thinking/life allows me to see the outside of me thus allowing me more wisdom and enlightenment.

"Emptiness" for me indicates that I have Let Go........gosh I don't need to be tied into more crap/suffering.


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I would agree with Beat. It's being completely underwhelmed. No feelings of anything. Being flat out. No substance--nothing real inside. I fill the emptiness with things like s*x, or being sexy.


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Emptying my mind means that I let go of my anger and hostility towards myself/others, feelings of hurt & pain, regret, inability to forgive my abusers/myself, my personal losses, despair, my mental illness and the impact upon my psyche', and all that I hold either close to my heart, feelings, or thinking. I "let go" of all of it. Emptiness doesn't mean I am avoid of feelinging thoughts....ect.... It means that I am empty of all that creates harm and continue to create harm and then again creates suffering.....why hang onto something that will torment me........when I can do nothing but let it go.

Sorry to have been so long winded...

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Looking at emptiness with a Buddhist thought......"Emptiness" (sunyata) is a state of which I experience as returning back to nirvana. The way I came into this world is the way I live and most likely will move on. "Emptiness" allows me to unclog my mind from my anger, suffering, pain, injustice, hatred, ego's, ills....... Letting go of unpurposeful thoughts and things that clog my thinking/life allows me to see the outside of me thus allowing me more wisdom and enlightenment.

"Emptiness" for me indicates that I have Let Go........gosh I don't need to be tied into more crap/suffering.



sorry Wiz

I missed your post until after I had written my bit.


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Emptiness is having no core. I am not a real person, I just play at different roles-all of a sudden I realise they're false-then big fat empty feeling.

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there must be different types of emptiness, coz apparently Buddhists strive to find it.


They can have all mine if they want it. :D

proper answer: having no centre, no motivation, worthlessness, you feel cold inside like you have no heart or soul. for me anyway.

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I agree with Janey - there are different types.

I've only just started studying Buddhism, and not yet very seriously, so please correct me if I'm wrong Wis, but I think the emptiness of Buddhism is an expansive emptiness - a oneness with the world which allows the breath and the world to flow through you in an easy and unblocked way.

My very long experience of the emptiness of BPD was of being like a sealed up coffin with nothing inside it other than dust and cobwebs and staleness - the very opposite of Buddhist emptiness, and quite hideous to experience and live with.

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My emptiness feels like BOREDOM, unfulfillment and never having enough of life.

But Boredom, mainly.


p.s. reckon i should look into this Buddhism thing.

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Just come back from a yoga class - Satyananda yoga which is not one of the very physically active ones, focussing more on spirituality and internal awareness.

I feel so much more awake and energetic and calm than I did earlier. Have only been doing yoga for about 6 months and it is just beginning to have this effect - when I started I used to get very depressed and anxious during classes - but apparently this isn't unusual.

It's been a good starting point for me, although it certainly hasn't solved everything.

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A big back hole inside that nothing or no-one can fill. The mind never lets up in its quest to find something, but my mind feels completely disassociated from the rest of this thing I am lugging about called a body


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for me, the emptiness is a state of being

which almost feels like i am not being, anything - that i am a nothing

and yet, i am physically here

and yet, emotionally, something is missing

and.. the whole seems to require more than it has got to make it up, so there is always a yearning to find something, which, remains totally illusive but which i seek neverthless, always coming up with a big fat zero

or, occasionally, i stumble upon the beginnning of a road, and i kid myself that maybe i am about to find the gold at the end of the rainbow, but then, the feeling, and the reality of that fades, as i realise it is just another dead end

i think another facet of it is needing a hero or a saviour and yet not believing it or he will ever come, knowing that you had a chance somewhere along the line, but it fell away

and now you are stuck, stuck some place where in reality you do have choices, but where you just can't see that


((((guys)))) thanks for your responses - i can relate to all of them

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"or, occasionally, i stumble upon the beginnning of a road, and i kid myself that maybe i am about to find the gold at the end of the rainbow, but then, the feeling, and the reality of that fades, as i realise it is just another dead end

i think another facet of it is needing a hero or a saviour and yet not believing it or he will ever come, knowing that you had a chance somewhere along the line, but it fell away"


Perhaps it's not a "dead end"... perhaps the road carries on for you to go down. Or perhaps the dead end is just a load of brambles that have grown over and you need to push your way through to gain something good on the other side.

I am really starting to believe that looking for a "saviour" outside of myself, through someone else, is not the answer. The saviour has to come from within myself. But because i have never thought much of myself, i have never bothered to look from within. Because i never have before, it will take practise to find it from myself... but i know it's there somewhere, buried away - and like the "brambly road", i will fight my way through all the shit to the good stuff.

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im just off actually i have to go b4 mike gets back. im not good still really.

i will text you later ok?

take care janey


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