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Just Saw A Picture Of Myself From Years Ago


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I just found a picture of myself from way back when. My skin is so clear and smooth and my hair really shiny and I'm such a good shape. I've always had an hourglass figure but back then, I had big breasts but the rest of me was really toned and skinny, even though I hated myself at the time, looking at me now I realise that I was attractive.

I look at myself now and I could cry. My hair is matted and tangled no matter how much I try; my very sensitive skin has not aged well and is nowhere near as smooth and young as it was; my boobs are saggy; I'm 5 stone heavier and covered in stretch marks; even my eyes have got uglier, and they're failing me too, I can't see without my glasses at all any more and wearing them is making my eyes sunken and dull. I'm only 19 ffs and I feel like I've passed the prime of my life and that I've completely deteriorated in looks as well as my mind, I did so well academically back then.

I'm so young but I feel like some OAP, looking back at their wedding photos and crying over their lost youth. I am still young, why don't I look it any more, what the hell have I done to myself with my bingeing?


sorry, this was a really self-indulgent post, I just needed to get it out I guess. Sorry.

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I think you'd be surprised how well your body can fix itself given the chance. I went to a retreat and after four days of eating well, detox tea, etc. I looked better than I have in 15 years. Give your body a chance. Starting by loving you from the inside, replenish with vitamins, minerals, herbal teas, rest and exercise. Lots of purified water.

Don't give up. All is not lost. xxxoxox

P.S I'm sure you're still beautiful..you just can't see it right now. :bigarmhug[1]:

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