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2Nd Stepps Meeting Tomorrow


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So tomorrow morning I have my second STEPPS session; right now am filled with a sense of dread. Last week was almost painful; I couldn't make eye contact with anyone. To make matters worse there is a woman on the group who lives three doors down and has known my family for about 15 years. Really not what I needed, I know how selfish that sounds; but that's how I feel.

The facilitators told us we needed a reinforcement team; this is where it gets silly; other than you guys there is hardly anyone I have ever shared my diagnosis with. My Mum knows and when I tried to discuss the group with her and the fact they wanted to hold an info evening for reinforcement team members; she got really defensive. She just said all I am going to say is "when you were a child I was kept out of everything to do with your mental health". She still resents the psychiatrist that saw me as a teen. As far as she goes I feel like I am in a no win situation; if I don't try and get her involved she'll be angry and when I try to she still gets angry!

Unvalidating environment anyone???????

ARRRGH sorry for ranting, I know how fortunate I am to being given any kind of therapy; and that it is early days. I just needed to vent.

Georgie x

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