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Bulimia Relapse


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I haven't binged and purged in about 3 years but I'm in a downward shame spiral at the moment. I have no other coping skills. I feel so afraid. I'm not sure how to deal with all the changes that have happened to me these last few months: the break up,the BPD diagnosis and now having to move (AGAIN). I'm so sick of this. I wish I didn't exist.

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Now after purging I feel afraid. What are the dangers of bulimia??? I am always super paranoid about having heart failure, in general, not just after purging. And I will be alone. Just like I am now. My stomach hurts and I keep thinking I have a weird pain in my left hand and tingling in my arm. I'm not sure what to do. I thought just by typing it out that I could re-read it and feel silly but this isn't really helping. I wish I had someone to call and talk to about this. I'm so sick of not having any kind of support.

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well I'd suggest first ringing your GP and if you have a therapist, them too.

The tingling could be a number of things including anxiety. I use to get those symptoms when my thyroid levels were off. I don't know all the dangers of bulimia but I do know it's a painful condition that needs treatment.

I relapse sometimes. I'm not bulimic but I have an EDNOS and other problems. Best course of action is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep walking on that road to recovery. You have a lot on your plate but you don't have to face it alone.


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