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Mental Health Forums

New Chat Room!


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Hi All

I like many of you have become quite fed up with the chat room we have been using. It was constantly kicking people out or non available and it was getting crazy!

I am therefore over the moon to introduce a new chat to you. This comes with 100's of new features and im sure will be invaluable to us all. Please bare with me while i get the settings just right and let me know if you face any issues.

I hope this will be warmly welcomed.


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*hopes it's shiny* :)

thanks Josh - hated the last one, although that helped me to quit chat and get more of a life :wacko:

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it IS shiny.... :)

*scolds self for loggin onto chat during work but couldnt wait*

:) TVM Josh - u da man :)

*sees self getting readdicted to chat* :(

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got java and it still won't let me in lol and i still keep getting that fusion chat come up and i spose to go in there confused which isn't hard for me lol :)

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