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Hung Over But Happy


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I am feeling really good this morning.

Last night I sat down and watched New Tricks and then some comedy with my wife, which we both really enjoyed.

I worked on a computer program I have been doing, I was struggling with it in the day. At 10.50pm I got it to work and I did a little dance for my wife's benefit. Even though I was a bit drunk, I still managed to do a heuristic binary search to approximate the maximal rectangle problem :lol:.

I slept well.. well you would do after a litre or so of wine!

I woke up and the kids joined us in our bed. There were lots of opportunities for cuddles, silliness, back rubs and chats.

I found a £1 coin in the laundry this morning :)..

My son was proudly walking around for ages with a notepad with some words he has to learn on it. They are all 4 letter words (but no rude ones :lol:).

When I was in the kitchen I saw the weather outside is really sunny and my wife has hung out the laundry.

Just now my son came in to show me an earwig he had found.. yuk. But I love it when he plays outside, he is fascinated by things like snails.

I've had a lazy morning which has been great. Later on my children have some party invites. My daughter is going to a friend's party, I will take her then and pick up then we go to my nephew's party.

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