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seen psych today and he is going to take me off citalopram and start me on depakote,

just wondering if anyone had any experience of depakote?!

been fine on the ciralopram but my moods are just swinging out of control!

:skull::stitchface::confused::crying_anim02::grrr::lmaosmiley: :sofa:

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I have been on Depakote for about 6 months now and they work ok for me and they can make you lose your apetite but it increases your taste buds for sweet stuff,I never used to like sweet things but i am now finding i eat chocolate more,of course everyone is different.

Tinkerbell xx

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Just read that roses!

I have been wanting to go on a mood stabaliser for weeks but my gp wanted me to go through psychs for it and it was a 5 week waiting list

I have been so scared that he wouldnt believe me, or would tell me that im fine and go away that i am really relieved he has given me the go ahead!

like lithium it has to be introduced slowly and involves lots of blood tests, but as you said in your posts, compared to the sh scars and winding up in hospital 2 weeks ago following an overdose a few blood tests seems like a samll price to pay.

i just want to go back to being stable, i had nine years of being stable as an alcoholic taking lots of dope, but since giving up cigs dope and alcohol my whole life has just started crashing around my ears!

there is a moral in there somewhere! ^_^

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it sounds like you are making really big and positive steps Feenix. To give up all that and be willing to try medication to help you keep clean and stable is fucking amazing. YOU ROCK!!!!!

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