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... Update...


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Hi luvs... Sorry to have been out and about for a bit... things have been extremely stressful... but somehow I don't know EXACTLY why...

I still have my new job and got promoted already... there a quite a few ladies at work (that act like children) who are upset at that because THEY believe someone else who has been there longer should have gotten the position although the boss had said that the position was basted on experience and quality of work that was done and that is why I got it. This pay check I had 40 hours of over time plus the 80 so it'll be a good Christmas shopping time. I love all of my clients so much and cannot believe that I've stayed away from my line of work for as long as I did... R.I.P Cody... Much love lil man....

While I am at work, my son has decided to misbehave TREMENDOUSLY... he's always in trouble at school for talking or other things... mostly talking... But he just does NOT want to listen! He went to the doc today for his eyes and needs glasses... he goes back to his therapist tomorrow after a LONG period of time due to his insurance messing up... after tomorrow his therapist will refer him back to the phych. for medication to help his Tourettes, ADHD and OCD... and possibly BPD... God I hope not....

I got an email from my mother (for those of you who know... my mother does not care to be much of a part of my life and when she does want to she wonders why I'm so hateful... she's the one who plays favorites with us and is in total denial about it.) To sum it up she wrote that she was sorry for what ever she did wrong when I was a kid and ~GASP~ read up on my BPD after being diagnosed with it 13 years ago!!!! She finally knows what it means!!! I wrote her back and now we're back and forth with emails, nasty words and kind words...

I'm still in this hateful household with my boyfriend, his kind mother but then there is his bitchy (55 but acts like 5 years old) aunt and his hateful brother who is extremely jealous of his brother and I (his g/f is in Maryland) and just loves to give nasty looks and comments.

My boyfriend and I are doing well... I am having some mental issues as of late with depression and not really wanting to be alive but as for the relationship I think we are doing well.... He is doing WONDERFUL when trying to control himself at getting upset at me... I, however, still need to work on that. But we are doing well and we have our anniversary this Tuesday... I'm getting my hair done tomorrow in a town where there is a Starbucks so I'm happy...

So that is what I have been up to... Dunno if anyone wanted to know or not but there it is...

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congrats on your promotion, thats great! I can understand why people are jealous but your boss is right, the promotion should go to the person who deserves it and that's you :) i hope they aren't being mean to you about it

Things do sound stressful but maybe your son will do better once he has therapy and meds, I hope he hasnt got BPD but if there have to be people with BPD in the world its best they are with parents who understand. it must have been really hard having therapy then stopping it, maybe he stopped it too suddenly but maybe once hes back in the routine things will be better.

I'm glad its going well with your boyfriend, it must be a difficult household to live in and a lot of couples even non depressed ones might have trouble but you are both doing really well, happy anniversary for next tuesday and i hope you enjoy getting your hair done xxxx

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((((Alaska)))) so pleased that you posted this. I have most certainly been wanting to know how you have been doing but didn't want to push you into posting before you were ready.

I'm so happy that you're job is going well and that you've been promoted already - wow, well done you. Just ignore the other silly people who are basically just jealous of you because you're doing such a wonderful job.

The apology from your Mum must have been amazing. I'm glad that she has made that step and that you are now communicating. It will take time but as long as you keep talking, I'm really hoping that you can have a good relationship with your Mum. I hope that I will still continue to be your 2nd Momma though!

I think it's fantastic that your boyfriend has taken on board the information about your illness and how it affects you and is doing his best to support you - give him a pat on the back from me.

I hope that your son will begin to settle down again once the meds are back in his system.

Lots of love Momma :bigarmhug[1]: :bigarmhug[1]: :bigarmhug[1]: xxxx

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hi alaska

its great to hear how you're doing!well done on the promotion and i hope you can get therapy for your son soon.

take care of yourself

love starry x

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Good to here about your job, congrats,

other things look up and down but at least things are going well with bf,

((((alaska))) , Christine xx

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I wanted to know how you were doing (((((Alaska))))))

Good news about your promotion, sorry some other aspects of your life are hard at the moment.

Is so nice to see you around. Have missed you lots :D



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Aaaw ((((Alaska)))), missed you hun!

Glad to hear about your promotion, and like others said don't worry about the bitchiness with the other peeps in the office, it'll settle down eventually. (Office politics suck!)

Hope it starts to get better with your son when his therapy is regular again and possibly with meds. Hope he doesn't have BPD and there is a lot on his plate (and yours) with the other diagnosises.

That's such a great step that your mother has made! :masked:

Hopefully it is a real breakthrough for her and hope that the emails continue to slowly rebuild your relationship.

Yeah it can suck living with in-laws, but glad that boyfriend is making progress with understanding you and condition as well.

Hope you enjoy your starbucks and hair do tomorrow, you deserve it! You're doing so well even though you've got a lot happening at the moment.

So good to here from you :bigarmhug[1]:


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