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New Diagnosis- Problem A Part 1


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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Borderline Personality Disorder with Masochistic features.


1. Chooses people and situations that lead to disappointment, failure

The girl i'm obsessed with, is married. And her husband is rich. Oh and, i'm not even sure i really like her.

The girl i was with before.....was somewhat unattractive. And ridiculously selfish. And dumb.

The gril i was with before her, was insane. She had BPD too...but was like also possibly partly retarded or something. There was no way she could make me happy....and even before i started dating her, i hated her. I told people how dumb she was, how weird.....and then one day, i got drunk and suddenly we were inseperable.

Oh and there was another girl inbetween i was obsessed with. She was married, with a kid and BPD too. And she lived a million miles away and we only met on the internet. Oh, actually she wasn't married, she was like 2 months away from being married.

Oh and before her, there was a guy. ANd i'm not gay. So i mean, i don't think he would of been too able to not disappoint me.

2. Rejects or renders ineffective the attempts of others to help

I don't know. I don't really think so....but people disagree with me on this. I've probably got a pile of doctors who would give me a check mark here......but i think they're all idiots.

3.Following positive personal events (e.g., new achievement), responds with depression, guilt, or a behavior that produces pain ( e.g., an accident).

Guilt. Fear.

4. Incites angry or rejecting responses from others and then feels hurt, defeated, or humiliated

Sometimes. i mean, sort of. Not really......unless you count pushing people away and feeling sad when they leave or won't come back.

5. Fails to accomplish tasks crucial to his or her personal objectives despite demonstrated ability to do so,

This is me.

This defines my life.

I've failed at so many things, that i can easily easily easily do.

I can't really even explain......how often i fail at doing things, that are just so easy for me.

High Extraversion

Excessive talking, leading to inappropriate self-disclosure

attention seeking and overly dramatic expression of emotions;

inappropriate attempts to dominate and control others.

Suffers from a need to be accepted and loved. Because of this need, personal relationships are more important than one's own independent thinking (Roazen, 398).

Wants to be loved, to express his or her feelings for others, to be needed and appreciated, to coerce others into responding to him, to vindicate his claims about himself

All i've ever cared about was personal relationships. ONly with specific people, but it's like a general thing.

Like say, i thought i might have cancer....all i was worried about was not ever getting married.

And say, like....awhile ago i was worried about hiv. All i was worried about was not being able to be with the girl i like. Not worried about dying....or being sick.

Taking the way of submission, shrinking from or flowing round difficulty and violence rather than fronting up to it

All i do is avoid things that are hard for me.

Can be manipulative and self-serving, instilling guilt, putting others in his debt. Self-deceptive about his own motives and behavior.

Uh.....yeah. I am totally self-deceptive about my own motives and behavior.

Like it just hit me the other day.....i'm not very nice.

Domineering and coercive: feels entitled to get anything he wants from others. The "victim and martyr": feels abused, bitterly resentful and angry

Yeah. I've done some awful stuff. And i'm sure if there were no such thing as jail, i've of done a lot worse.

Part 1

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