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Prog On Tonight Bout The Brain... Trigger


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There is a prog on BBC4 at 9pm tonight called

The Brain: A Secret History

Michael Mosley embarks on three journeys to understand science's last great frontier - the human mind - as he traces the history of the attempts to understand and manipulate the brain

Tonight's eppy is on Mind Control:

In a compelling and at times disturbing series, Dr Michael Mosley explores the brutal history of experimental psychology.

To begin, Michael traces the sinister ways this science has been used to try to control our minds. He finds that the pursuit of mind control has led to some truly horrific experiments and left many casualties in its wake. Extraordinary archive captures what happened - scientists systematically change the behaviour of children; law abiding citizens give fatal electric shocks; a gay man has electrodes implanted in his head in an attempt to turn his sexuality.

Michael takes a hallucinogenic drug as part of a controlled experiment to try to understand how its mind-bending properties can change the brain.

This is a scientific journey goes to the very heart of what we hold most dear - our free will, and our ability to control our own destiny.


Dunno if anyone else is interested, but i thought i'd give you the heads-up anyways... Next week is on EMOTIONS !!!

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:blink: Sounds scary!! But interesting!!!

Thanks for this hun, I'm possibly, maybe, probably, definately gunna watch it.



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i KNEW you would be even just an ickle bit interested Rossy.... i thought of you when i posted this !!!!

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i KNEW you would be even just an ickle bit interested Rossy.... i thought of you when i posted this !!!!

Cool! Yeah I love all that stuff. Been reading about the Stamford Prison Experiment and Stanley Milgram's compliance experiments recently, I think that programme is going to cover Milgram's stuff. Its all very interesting - asking the question "is evil innate, learned, or due to environment", basically to ask the question "could nazi germany happen anywhere". What those experiments reported is that yes, it could happen anywhere, and normal people can be made to do 'evil' things with little more than social pressure and fear of censure / rejection. Some people have questioned the conclusions they make, but the experiments themselves are fascinating. The BBC re-ran a version of the Stamford Prison experiment, just called "The Experiment" and found slightly different conclusions.

Also watched one about the effects of sensory deprivation and how it affects the mind - making it suggestible and malleable. The results of that lead to questions being asked about the reliability of info gathered at Guantanamo Bay, where those methods are used.

God I have morose interests :)


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yea Rossy me too (morose interests that is) :(

i have read alot bout the nazi stuff including a few biographies and what evil stuff that some inherently good people did in order to survive etc etc...

*runs off to google more of that stuff*

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Oo just been reading about a manipulation technique called 'love bombing'. Its when you join a cult, and then they give you loads of praise and love and attention, and you think "wow, this is awesome - no one ever treated me like this before". Then they gradually start monitoring your activities and things, then start introducing shame and group disapproval. You end up trying to be 'good' so that they won't punish you anymore, and so do whatever someone defines as 'good' to keep getting that nice sweet juicy praise. Through that, you voluntarily give up control of your actions and even beliefs.

Scary innit. I prefer my huggles guilt and expectation free

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scary what people (society etc etc) can do to people :(

*hides under tinfoil tent to keep bad stuff out*

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ooh i heard about that love bombing stuff in a doc about cults. frightening stuff.

i went to a concentration camp just outside of berlin. scary stuff. worst thing was seeing all of these houses built right next to the camp - houses that had been there at the same time as the prisoners...knowing that the people in the town (there was a fairly big town next to it) must have KNOWN what was going on...terrifying. just goes to show that with enough fear, people will keep anything quiet.

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ooh i heard about that love bombing stuff in a doc about cults. frightening stuff.

i went to a concentration camp just outside of berlin. scary stuff. worst thing was seeing all of these houses built right next to the camp - houses that had been there at the same time as the prisoners...knowing that the people in the town (there was a fairly big town next to it) must have KNOWN what was going on...terrifying. just goes to show that with enough fear, people will keep anything quiet.

Was that Sachsenhausen? I think I went there when I visited Berlin. Yeah its like you go through this lovely town, and then bang - concentration camp, like its a normal thing. That place brought a few tears to my eye I must admit. Did you see the bit at the bottom full of soviet propaganda? Like they said "lets liberate this place, and then use it for the exact same purpose" then tried to make an exhibition to pretend nothing of the sort took place?

Sends chills up your spine.

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i went to a concentration camp just outside of berlin. scary stuff. worst thing was seeing all of these houses built right next to the camp - houses that had been there at the same time as the prisoners...knowing that the people in the town (there was a fairly big town next to it) must have KNOWN what was going on...terrifying. just goes to show that with enough fear, people will keep anything quiet.


Been there - and Auschwitz and Dachau :( All harrowing places and all not too far away from other things... there is no way that people dint know... but fear is a BIG influence in actions... :(

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it was sachsenhausen, yeah. it is such a disturbing place. was quite interested in visiting other camps, but don't know if i could now. i cried a lot too, it's weird how we're so saturated by information about the war but going to somewhere like that can still trigger this response of "god, this is actually real".

i did read the soviet stuff too...only conclusion you can really draw is "people are pretty fucked up".

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as we have kinda gone off the beaten track I have added a triger to the title - so feel free to continue - just thought i would warn ppls as this is in "general" forum...

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hummm when a parent does that to a child, the cult of mum, what then..... who am I... I don't want to know myself anymore :blink:

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bad dark rossie

**moves about darkly**

u n me both - i can get a lil obsessed with the holocaust nazi experiments stuff :( *gazes over at bookshelf*

still... hope the program is worth this build-up... :wacko:

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bad dark rossie

**moves about darkly**

u n me both - i can get a lil obsessed with the holocaust nazi experiments stuff :( *gazes over at bookshelf*

still... hope the program is worth this build-up... :wacko:

i can get a bit obsessed with that stuff too...think a lot of people can...

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Thanks for the heads up about the prog Chit :D

- looks interesting have set the recorder to have a little lookie :rolleyes:


Oo just been reading about a manipulation technique called 'love bombing'. Its when you join a cult, and then they give you loads of praise and love and attention, and you think "wow, this is awesome - no one ever treated me like this before". Then they gradually start monitoring your activities and things, then start introducing shame and group disapproval. You end up trying to be 'good' so that they won't punish you anymore, and so do whatever someone defines as 'good' to keep getting that nice sweet juicy praise. Through that, you voluntarily give up control of your actions and even beliefs.

Scary innit. I prefer my huggles guilt and expectation free

Hmm yes have been 'lovebombed' Ross and didn't really find out about it all until i left the 'sect'.

Kinda creepy how all these techniques are built up so that it just seems normal when it happens to you and you don't question it.

Yes, I prefer my Huggles to be guilt free too :lol:


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