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Proana Websites


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I cannot stop looking at the pro-anorexia/bulimia websites. Especially at the pictures! Its as if i want to trigger myself on purpose. The pictures give me inspiration and a goal to work towards.

I know that these websites are terrible but why cant i stop looking at them!? I think they are sick and wrong yet i still spend all day looking at the super skinny 'perfect' girls, comparing each and every body image with that of my own.



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i am the same, claire. i look at all the pictures. the skinnier the better. i know they trigger me but i just feel like i cant stay away. i could go into detail about the whole thinspo thing but i dont think i need to and i dont think it is appropriate...

i know where you are coming from. and its a bitch :( fucking ED

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Yep, I know this one too.

I was a member of several proana & promia boards until recently. I'd avoided them for a few months while i got myself started again with my recovery, and then the other week I went back on a good day and contacted admin of them and requested that my accounts be barred, which all but one did for me. So lovely of them.

But then of course, still accessible with a simple image search. Is hard to stay away, I know it is.

not got any advice or anything, but wanted to let you know, I can relate.

Thinking of you


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hey claire, i am the exact same. i am registered on two sister sites, one pro ana and the other pro mia. but the difference between these sites and the ones you are seeing is that it does not promote ED's, but rather offers a safe place for people to talk about it. i have posted a few pics up there myself, because it makes me feel good to see the weight loss i have achieved over the past few months. if you really wish to stop, you can try registering for a recovery site.

lots of hugs :) xx

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I still visit them on occasion, but they are alot harder to get onto. I know it's bad, but having something to aim for, gives me some peace.

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Thanks for your replies. I know that I shouldn't go on them but I can't seem to help it. There are so many beautiful and tiny people and I want to look like them!

I wanted to create a 'thinspo' book to look at everytime I felt hungry.. It might encourage me not to eat, it gives me a goal to work towards.

I just want to be beautiful, I want him to be able to easily pick me up with no trouble.

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Hey huni,

I wanted to send big cuddles your way, it sounds like you need them *hugs*

Ive never been on these sites, for fear they would trigger me into pushing myself to achieve the unachieveable - im a girl with boobs, hips and a bum, being thin isnt in my body type at all - but i feel a stab of envy everytime i see a slim pretty girl, although its a lot less frequesnt now as it was when i was in my teens. I suffered heavily from bulimia, to the extent that my periods stopped, and the doctor told me that if i continued to punish my body in such a way it would one day stop working for me, it would shut down. then a girl in my year at school died, she collapsed with exhaustion at school and was taken to hospital. she was diagnosed with a host of problems as a result of her bulimia/anorexia. eventually her heart couldnt cope anymore. it was a wake up call to say the least.

I dont mean for this to come wrong and please don take offence, but have you considered what you might be putting your body through in the course to get thin. like i said before your periods could stop, to the extent where constant pressure could cause them to stpo altogether and not restart, leaving you infertile, your bones will gradually become so brittle that even knocking your arm slightly could cause a break, your teeth and hair will become lank, as you wont be getting the vitamins you need, your heart will not cope. I'm not trying to be a bitch here huni , please dont think that. Its just I want you to see the bigger picture, being skinny and being healthy are two very different things. I agree its not healthy to be overweight , but perhaps you could meet somewhere in the middle? Dont throw your life away in the quest to be skinny, you'll miss your future.

I dont know your personal circs but I do know that starving yourself will not do you any good. your body needs food for your metabolism to work, to actualy lose weight. a healthy diet and exercise ( yes yes i know how cliched) is realy the only effective way to properly lose weight. I can understand wanting to be slimmer, Ive spent my whole life feeling that way, but being slim isnt everything. i see your from the uk - dont you think women like kelly brook, kim kardashian and even holly willoughby look amazing? they look like real women, as women should look. curvy and yes they are thin but not unhealthily so. any man i have asked has always said that he would prefer a woman with curves which is almost ironic because any women ive asked that has body issues, has them in some way directly linked to a man. whether it be for their benefit or for their attention.

i really dont mean what ive said to come out wrong, its just i want to maybe show you what ive realised over the years. i spent years agonising over how i looked, trying to pad my boobs down so they didnt look too big, trying to literally stop my body from enjoying any food as it was "bad". now ive realised that being skinny is not sexy. being a real woman, with curves is.

i really hope that you can control the urge to look sweetie for your own piece of mind , good luck

always here if you ever wana chat xxxxx

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I'm sorry xclairex, that's just the way I feel. I know it probably wasn;t helpful to hear that. I just feel like instead of being obese and a binge-eater, I really wish I was thin and if I had the choice between living this way and anorexia, I know instantly it would be anorexia, because it just seems like it is more acceptable, even desirable to society I guess.

I'm trying to say that I understand why you look at those websites, I do too, but they don't help us.


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I dont think ana/bulumia is all to do with images and wanting to be slim its control satisfaction acheviement and filling emotional holes through obsesion and unhealthy patterns amd habits that need to be looked into from an underlying point of view. So trying to address the fact that curvy bodies are best is good but dont always fix your state of mind. I know people with ana whos intentions and problems dont necessarily stem from body image or that that is not the whole and only problem. These sites full fill and stimulute an already state of mind either way and are not good as myself have fallen subject to them dispite my relationship with food being fulled partly by body image but mainly by other underlyning problems with identity and a constant pressure on myself to achieve and succsed ironic i know. Finding new goals and thinking about how you need to be to reach them can help. These sites can only hinder or pleasure your ed which you know is whats stopping you. Take care and talk talk talk figure out and take each day as it comes. Bit by bit my advice is bit naf and im not great at taking it myself. Maybe redirect your will power from ed to stop looking. Hugs

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Hi Hun

I can understand why you look at these websites. I look at pro self injury ones for inspiration.

Dont worry its not a uncommon thing! Just be carefull!

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I was a member of a ana site until people were giving 13 year olds tips. As an adult I couldn't be a part of that. I wanted to be a member to give support and be supported because I hate my ed but quite a lot of the ana sites are too pro ana for me.

I'd like an adult ana site. One where young girls can't join, it's too sad to read of young children starving themselves.

But whilst being on the site I felt encouraged and it spurred me on, I got a huge amount of tips and that was bad in it's self but we have this condition don't we? So searching pro ana sites becomes part of it I suppose.

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