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Tv Drama About Did


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I've also watched a beautiful mind which is about schizophrenia. Sure it doesn't have the same feel as Tara, but the guy did make a joke pretending that his real world friend was sitting on one of his imaginary friends, then said "I'm just joking, what's the good of having a MI if you can't have fun with it"

I loved that! I guess that's the playful side of me. We are allowed to laugh at ourselves but find it very hard when other people laugh at us.

With Tara, they do acknowledge it's from childhood trauma and it is drama. I've also seen it listed as comedy because it basically focuses on a disfunctional family.

Not sure if this will help but here is a video from the actress talking about that very thing.

Season 2 did start to acknowledge that the meds weren't working, the alters were just hiding.


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I've managed to watch a few episodes of it. I emailed the company but they said they currently aren't making plans to realise it in the UK.

For anyone that doesn't know much about the condition, its a good start of getting to know a bit about how it all starts and how it affects the day to day life.

However, some of my problems with this drama are:

The alters all make themselves look different. This perhaps exaggerates the alters, particularly so the audience watching knows who is who, but it portrays DID in a poor light because most alters don't go out their way to look different.

The alters are very open about who they are and when they have switched. Whilst some alters to this, its rare unless its around people they trust very much.

But I do think Toni Collette's acting is amazing to be able to portray all the alters, true acting in my opinion. My ex once told me if I was lying about the DID, I'd be a first class actress. My reply, to be able to hide DID, you need to be a first class actress.

Slightly of the point there. I wanted to watch this with my mum but its hard to get her to sit down with me because she is always on the go with one thing or another. I've told her I wanted watch this with her, my sister doesn't believe I have it and my mum is a bit skepitcal about it all. I think it would be a good way to get them to understand a bit better.

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Hi Emo, I can understand your concerns.

I guess for me, I'm now more comfortable in my own skin and with my own selves. (not saying you're not, just that this is how it was for me). I know there were times I was not and I'd get furious at anything that made fun of mental illness. I still do get miffed, but I've channeled the energy into creating awareness of what it is really like and that seems to be working for me.

I avoided US of Tara for a long time for all of the reasons you have for not wanting to watch it but in all honestly I've found it somewhat healing. I feel less alone and more taken seriously believe it or not! It's creating awareness about many issues not just mental health.


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Hi HiddenAngel

Great post. Yes you do have to be a first class actress to hide it.

I also want my mum to watch the show, my hubby also wants her to watch it but she won't :( She'd also freak out I think because you are right in that it's all exagerated.

Some of my stronger alters do change clothes and have things in my closet that arn't mine. They don't always go out of their way to look different but if they are out long term they often do. This includes Dragon, Elsie and Michael mostly since they are my strongest alters. This usually happens around the house rather than out, but I've had Dragon dress and go out. However, they have been known to be out and not had any interst in lookng different.

I tend to dress rather bland and unisexual most of the time. I rarely put on make up and I don't wear high heels. This suits most of the others inside. I noticed Tara is fairly bland as well.

I think you are right in that for the series they have them look different so that the audience knows what is going on. In season two you see some glimpses of them coming out briefly with out the change of clothes. Now that the audience is familiar with the alters, it's probably easier to pull this off.

Also, they refer to the changes as transformations rather than switches. Not sure if this is an american term for it but most DID people I know call it switches.

Do you find watching the series makes you really switchy?


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Yes it does seem to! Its like they are watching it and think "well if they are out then why aren't we!" In a way thats good because to me, the more they get to spend time out the more time they realise the bad stuff isn't happening any more and its safe so some have chosen to remain more dorment. In another way it means they take over and like you, I struggle to get a word in edge ways.

My ex reckoned that sometimes transformations are more appropriate than switches because my body might slump or move a different way just in the process, whereas sometimes its like in a blink of an eye I'm someone else. Eh, he is the one that has seen me switch so he knows a bit more about that I do lol.

I wear a bit of eye liner and more feminine clothing than what I say is unisex but I can always tell if Lilly-Marie has been out because I have black nails and very gothic-type makeup and black clothing. Lilly-Marie spent a lot of time out during one year at high school (secondary school for us english) so people thought it was just a fase so its a bit easier to hide in that respects. But I don't think many of my others dress differently if at all. I guess that comes in time with confidence doesn't it?

Its all very interesting though, even if it is very controversial. Like Toni Collette said in the clip, with this condition there is no straight rules

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Hey Hidden I can relate to what you wrote so much.

In high school we had to wear a uniform so it wasn't so obvious but when I got to college, someone commented to me "I can't peg you into any category because one day your a normie, the next a trendie and the next a goth."

Yep. That's me! Maybe I like not being put in a box.

I've never seen myself switch either, though I did want to watch a video that Dr Neale took but he wouldn't let me! However I asked one counsellor what happened when I switched and she told me that I rearranged my hair and changed posture a bit.

With my husband, he just knows. He see's not with his eyes but deeper. My friend and former counsellor Salli also knows.

I know because I feel my face start to change, then I go in. My first experience with alters was changes in my face. Expressions that weren't mine.

I think this is all a very interesting discussion.


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I can sometimes tell prior to a switch because I get like this pressure build up in my head, but sometimes it just happens before I know it.

Despite all the problems we've had along the way, I wouldn't change my alters for the world.

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They once did a test with good actors to act out switching and compared it to people with DID switching,the actors couldnt do it as well or smoothly.


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It sounds like youve been very very hurt before and you have your guard up which is totally understandable! Im glad though youre willing to give it time and let trust grow as I know from personal experience it can really help to have the support of others and I want that for you.


That is the kindest thing anyone has said to me, since forever. Thank you for understanding. Trust seems completely impossible for me at this point. There is very little hope even of that changing but maybe it could change a little bit. I hope so.

Thank you Lilly for so much kindness. It's so unfamiliar to me that it makes me run away. I need lots of time and have a lot of healing to do and I have little hope of that happening, but I'm here and that's at least something.

Thank you,


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Hi Maize, little hope is better than no hope! Grasp on to that little bit of hope and focus all your energy on it. You will find it gets bigger and bigger the more energy you give it. However, give your energy to lack of hope and that will grow.

Decide which wolf you will feed, the black wolf or the white wolf.


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They once did a test with good actors to act out switching and compared it to people with DID switching,the actors couldnt do it as well or smoothly.


Wow thats such great info.

I think Toni Collette does a good job of it but I've noticed she does exagerate it a bit. I suppose she needs to so that the audience knows she's suppose to have switched. In the real world, people with DID would prefer people did not know they had switched and yes, it's more subtle. My hubby often has to ask "Is that still you"

That happened once in Tara so I believe they are indeed listening to real life cases.


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Hi Maize, little hope is better than no hope! Grasp on to that little bit of hope and focus all your energy on it. You will find it gets bigger and bigger the more energy you give it. However, give your energy to lack of hope and that will grow.

Decide which wolf you will feed, the black wolf or the white wolf.


You're getting on my nerves. You may think you know all and have all the answers but trust me, you don't.

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Hi Maize, little hope is better than no hope! Grasp on to that little bit of hope and focus all your energy on it. You will find it gets bigger and bigger the more energy you give it. However, give your energy to lack of hope and that will grow.

Decide which wolf you will feed, the black wolf or the white wolf.


You're getting on my nerves. You may think you know all and have all the answers but trust me, you don't.

Hey now, I know I don't. I just give what I have learnt out and people can take it or leave it.

I won't reply to your posts any more.



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Hi Maize, little hope is better than no hope! Grasp on to that little bit of hope and focus all your energy on it. You will find it gets bigger and bigger the more energy you give it. However, give your energy to lack of hope and that will grow.

Decide which wolf you will feed, the black wolf or the white wolf.


You're getting on my nerves. You may think you know all and have all the answers but trust me, you don't.

Hey now, I know I don't. I just give what I have learnt out and people can take it or leave it.

I won't reply to your posts any more.



It's a little bit condescending if you can't tell.

That will be fine too.

take care

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I'm actually with Dragon on this one.

Maize, no one ever said they had all the answers. We just give our advice from our own experiences and understanding.

For you to directly and openly say to a member that they are getting on your nerves is very uncalled for. I can understand you are worried and nervous about talking to strangers on here, but instead of going about it like that, it would be more helpful if you could say something from your own experience instead of being rude. Or just say nothing at all. Its very hurtful and thats how arguments start. You wouldn't like someone to tell you that you're getting on their nerves so please don't do it to others.

Like I said, I know you're struggling with being open and honest about yourself, but there is no need to say things like that.

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Not so. I have to be able to set my boundaries when I need to. Perhaps I could have said it more diplomatically. Not sure there. When someone is being a know-it-all in regard to my situation, which they nothing about, it does get on my nerves and that's exactly what I said. When someone is in my face with their advice I should be able to say, you're getting on my nerves.

I didn't like the know-it-all, condescending attitude either so whatever. At least I didn't growl, blow off or send aggressive, intimidating PM's like what I received.

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Talking about boundaries is one thing, telling someone they are on your nerves because of all that they post is another. Its made WP feel quite worthless and like her points aren't valued. I'm sure you know how this feels, so maybe try to think about going around things a different way.

I very much doubt WP was trying to tell you all about it, and yes of course it may have gotten on your nerves if you felt that way, but instead of putting up a barrier and getting defensive, try opening up a little about your experiences/opinions so we can help support. I get that being defensive is a way to protect yourself, but after all this is a support forum, even with having your guard up, please try to let others in

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I in no way said "all that they post". I referred only to the post that was written to me. I didn't want to make anyone feel bad either at least not any worse than I was made to feel with being condescended to that way. I don't need that sort of support. You're right about the rest. It's hard and I am trying though it may not seem like it.

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Okay sorry, I didn't mean literally everything they posted - that was bad communication on my part there.

It upset WP very much what you said and I know you received some PM's and she switched. I guess the problem with doing this by using text is that everyone can take things the wrong way because you can't hear the expression in their voice or see their facial expression.

I really do understand that posting about your side of things is difficult, and I do appreciate you are trying. Its just frustrating for the rest of us because we'd all like to hear what you think too. Have you thought about opening up a word document or something and just tried writing something about yourself or an opinion? Maybe that would help encourage you to open up a little, you don't have to post it on the forum or anything, I just thought it might help

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WP did an excellent job pummeling the hell out of me with the nasty, aggressive PM's she sent me so there's no need for you to stand up in her defense. Ganging up on someone like this is totally screwed up.

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WP actually sent you Zero aggressive PM's. Dragon did.

Yes we are all one and we all take accountability for what we all do but we also stick up for each other in times of trouble. You put out an aggressive post, you recieved some aggressive answers.

WP has never been condencending to anyone it just aint her. You took it that way that's your bad.

thank you ver ymuch for making my host personality bawlher eyes out and switch when she was just starting to stabilize.

Michael :angry:

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Woah, okay now, I didn't see where I stood up for her defense. I was explaining how your comments upset her, and how in future these things could be avoided. I was also trying to explain that I could see things from your point of view and I was trying to give you suggestions on how you could try to build up the confidence to open up.

I'm not going to be made to feel like any of this is my fault by you. Stop getting defensive when someone is trying to help you. If you don't want the help don't go posting then try to be the victim so people try to befriend you.

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