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Are We Selfish In Attempting Suicide?

Little Mouse

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Why put a judgment on a theoretical question? Probbaly comes from the term 'committing suicide', as in you are committing a crime.

A paedophile who commits suicide to avoid the justice of the law would be regarded very differently to a father who facing financial ruin, leaves his small children and family struggling to eat as a result of his own suicide. But both scenarios are both selfish and unselfish.

For example, the paedophile who commits suicide has actually done the world a favour. And the father, may have thought he was insured and doing his family a favour too.

This question sits at the heart of all that is wrong with today's society... and that is the judgment that we make on the sickest and most vulnerable adults in this world.

Would you say an 11 year old was selfish for killing herself? No, never, why? Because at that age considered child. But as soon as you turn an adult, you are guilty of absolutely anything to the point that everything is a crime to someone else..

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I don't think anyone who has experienced the absolutely overwhelming and unrelenting pain that pushes people to attempt suicide can say that trying to escape that is selfish.

It's like if someone has cancer, and they go through treatment for years, but the cancer keeps coming back, if they decide to give up treatment and die as a result of the cancer, would anyone ever see that as selfish?

Because that's how I see it, we are fighting this pain continuosly, and no treatment seems to be able to rid us of it for good.

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A few months ago I would've said "yes" to this, after attempting it myself a while ago and standing on that edge of complete helplessness and despair now I don't think it's quite so cut and dried. I don't honestly think it's a cut and dried "no" either. It's a desperate act, the ultimate in absolute and total desperation and as such I don't think it can ever fit into terms of selfish or unselfish.

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I definitely wouldn't say it's selfish. It's selfish for others, others that don't feel the pain, others that don't have to live with it, to say it selfish. If only they could swap and feel what it's like. It would be different then.

hey there headhurts :)

i used to think this. that 'they' dont have to go what we go through. but is it their fault? is it my sisters fault she doesnt feel my pain? it may not be my fault but it is certainly my responsibility...so if i kill myself and make my sister feel the pain then it will be even because then she will know what it is like? we cant 'make' people feel what we do and tbh i dont know if i would want to make others feel the pain...maybe perhaps the fuckwits that made me this way, but not innocent people. it isnt their fault they are happy abd we are not. shit, but true

toasties xx

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When I've got to that point in the past, all I can think about is how much better it would be for everyone if I were gone. And I really believe that. It just shows how distorted our thinking can be in those periods.

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When I've got to that point in the past, all I can think about is how much better it would be for everyone if I were gone. And I really believe that. It just shows how distorted our thinking can be in those periods.

Yes, doesn't it just? We know (during times of happiness) that to commit suicide would hurt alot of people. But when our minds are clouded by loads of negative facts (like the world will be better off with me dead) and we believe it (yes we really do) then it is cruel irony to say we are being selfish.

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  • 3 weeks later...

People can understand how it feels, and its a bit insensitive to pull the "your being selfish card" on people

however as someone who has attempted suicide before and so can say this honestly,

There is alot of hurt that you cause without intending to,

The reasons we try to commit suicide are varied and sometimes very intense I know I completely hated my life and wanted out at the time,

but the fact is people like my mum and my best friend for example love me dearly and my death would have caused them alot of distress and pain, a friend even told me at the time that she knew i hated my life but she asked me to "live for her" and my friends and knowing that they need me has been one of the few things driving me onwards over the years,

I still consider suicide some days I wont lie, the world gets too much and I just want to escape, this morning infact I felt suicidal when I got up,

but doing that to myself I know would hurt people who do care about me and the loss of someone you love is not something you get over very quickly,

I don't think you're being selfish because ultimately its your life and your problems which nobody else has to bear, but you do need to think about the people that are impacted by you and the people who care about you.

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