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Horses, Born Therapists!

Warrior Princess

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So I felt really off this morning. Not really depressed but also not particularly happy either. I've been coming out of a low in my bi polar cycles.

I went and picked up my horses from the agistment centre. They are home now! I sold two miniatures which was good, and I have people interested in another two. Then my friend invited me over to see his new arabian mare who was drop dead gorgeous (The mare not the friend). We then decided to hop up on his welsh mare that he has for sale and I swear... I'm in love with that little pony. She was so much fun. My daughter rode her around with no fear and they looked so good together.

I really want to buy the pony but I know it doesn't make much sense! however, this "manic high" I feel after being around the pony just can't be replaced. I don't think money can replace happiness under any circumstances. This doesn't happen with every horse I meet and ride so the pony is very special. He's willing to take some payments on her too.

Do you think I'm being silly? Here I am trying to sell some of the miniature horses and I'm thinking of getting a bigger one??? At least this one can be ridden and enjoyed in more ways than just showing. She doesnt' cost much to feed either and is apparently easier to keep weight on than most miniatures are. She's a proven broodmare, her sister is a supreme winner in the welsh ring and she's super quiet and lovable. All she wanted to do is lick our hands like a dog! and cuddle up to us.

I just don't want to make any rash decisions while still in manic mind state. However, I know this little mare won't last long as she's just one in a million.

Do you think I'm being irrational?


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This is Izzy, she's the full sister of the one I'm interested and looks exactly like her except the sister is whiter.

Will try and get a piccie of Polly, I like them both!


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I so want Polly. she so brought brightness to my day. My husband says if I can sell one more ofthe miniatures I could get her. I just don't know if it's right or wrong, good or bad... or something maybe in between in that middle ground that doesn't exist.

Sorry, very switchy this evening and Darkness is close by. But also very in love with that pony. I've been so down and she just made it all go away in less than an hour!

WP and Darkness.

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I feel like when I'm with my horses I'm invincible!

Can I share this story? I know I dont often talk about my abuse. Mainly because I just can't... but when I was ten years old I was walking home from school as usual and decided to go down to the Be@ch to collect Shells :( I knew better than to go in lonely places... and was told to always walk where the houses and the traffic was. Well I didn't lisetn and went there anyway and a man grabbed us and....

lets not go there.

anyway after that the beach was so skary and bad.


when I was 13 Mum got me a horse! My first horse and she had a foal. and I raised that foal and broke him in myself. and his name was Banner. He and I were invincible! We could canter along that very beach and no one could catch us or hurt us. he was the safety I needed back in that awful day.

so horses are special to us and alway swill be.

WP's insider Jessica.

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They say money isn't happiness, but when it's something like a horse, it is in my opinion having another member in your family. When I got my big lad, I knew he was old (17), unsound, but I just fell in love with him, he had this sad look in his eye. So I've had him for a year now and he is so much happier, trying to worm him the other day and he was charging around the field like a 3 year old. So yeah, money isn't happiness, but extra family members are!! xxx

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Hi WP, Michael, Jessica & Elsie.

"I don't think money can replace happiness under any circumstances." You are so right there.

Especially when animals are involved. To me , animals = happy.

I have realised that i treat me kitty Dumbles like a surrogate baby, i chat away to him, worry when he goes out, and i am heartbroken still over the loss of me kitty Girlie last July.

When ya just 'click' with an animal it feels so special. And one is not afraid to be 'judged' by them if sad, upset, wanting a cuddle. I happen to like cats. I like dogs , horses, bunnies , all animals, but it's only practical for me to keep a cat. I did want to get a puppy last yr, but felt that it would not be fair to the cat.

Polly is a beauty! I hope it works out for you'se. Best wishes , xxx kitteh

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Animals are theraputic creatures. When we was in hospital, we used to have a lady come over once a week with her deaf German Shepard and we just used to spend an hour cuddling him! I think they are called PAT Dogs? Aww... I miss him now :(

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well the good news is that today I sold the other two miniatures so now have sold the required four to get one welsh...

The bad news is.... Polly sold today :(

However I can still buy her sister Izzy so looks that is what will be happening. it's still a good thing because Izzy is a proven show winner, is still very pretty and very quiet and is younger too! Izzy was the one I originally wanted to buy but then fell in love with Polly.

It just wasn't meant to be I guess!

I'm going out to see Izzy again tomorrow and make a final decision. the guy has promised not to sell her with out asking me first as I said I'm super interested so lets just hope!

thanks all for your advice. I know I did the right thing waiting til the Miniature horses were sold and I think that fate/God has had a hand at choosing which direction I take.


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We bought Izzy today :) She's paid for and we pick her up on Wednesday.

I'm quite pleased. I did want Polly but her full sister is lovely and has been a proven winner in the show ring. Brianna, my daughter, hopped up on her back and she just stood there nice and quiet. She's also the younger one so really was the better buy in the end.

I'm so excited to take her out and show her! the person who sold her to me is a friend and he says he will help me present her and give me advice on feeding and showing so it's all worked out.

I deliver the last miniature I sold on wednesday too so it's a chapter closed in my life. I feel strangely calm about it even though it was a tough choice. Sad to say good bye to the miniatures but there are a whole lot of new things to look forward to.


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