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A Question About Did


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Until I joined the forums I guess I knew as much about DID as did the layman in the street. Since being here however, I've met people diagnosed with it and spoken with them, and their alters. I've found the whole experience very enlightening but I've come up with (so far) a question that I'd like to put to anyone who can answer.

Are the skills of people with DID shared among their alters? For example, if the host personality can drive, is that skill available to all their alters?

I really hope this doesn't come across as some sort of science experiment, I am genuinely interested by the condition and would love to learn more about it, if only I can be more supportive to those with it.

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no cos I can no driv but Michael can driv and Donna drivs and som othars but not me.


Oh an som can sing an Michael plays Piano but othars dont an som can draw but Dragon can no draw.

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weird u asked this it is something we have thought of lots

dont have DID

or alters

but split

we have played piano for 37 yrs and read music for 40

but when we have been very distressed something happens

and we cannot read a note, it makes no sense at all

and we cant play the piano either

its like none of it ever existed inside, at all

its much much more scary than forgetting something or leaving something behind

its consuming and like you have just stopped being what you were a moment before

sorry, just recalling

not same probably

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dont know who 'i' am when it happens

its like shut down

unfortunately it has happend when performing and its like 'major crisis alert all systems down' and entire being goes into super overdrive trying to drag something back before anyone notices

but we can hear total shit as notes/hands are all over place but they are out of our control

ugh bad bad bad

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I really don't know the answer to your question as to why some have some abilities and others dont it's just the way it is.


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Actually I do know the answer. Its because we are separate people. Different spirits, different souls who happen to share the one body. No different than putting 43 different people in the same room and wondering why they all have different abilities.


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I can see your point there Dragon, but as well as sharing the same body, you also share the same brain.

I really hope you haven't taken offence.

It's not my intention to try and invalidate your individuality, I'm just curious to understand better.


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hey walker don't delete, anything you got to say is just as valid as the rest of us!

Bimo: don't worry about offending Dragon I dont think it's possible!

As to the que....

In my opinion (which probably isn't worth much) The reason is cuz diff parts hold diff skills and abilities. in theory... if the alter integrates the abilities they hold go back to the core personality. alters hold a lot of things for the core personality including blocked memories, emotions and skills.

So some hold the ability to sing or play music and that ability is lost from the core person or the others cuz of possible trauma related issues surrounding that skill. It's like walls inside. If you tihnk of the brain as a bunch of neuro transmitters and blockers, well when one alter can't do the same as another there are blockers.

Also, age makes a diff. Some alters just do not have the maturity to do certain skills, and yet others are advanced way beyond the age they got stuck at. Most alters get stuck at the age of the actual abuse and never grow up (Chuckle) We were recently told to grow up... but anyway.

So for Stella, She sings cuz WP was critisized for her singing on many occasions through child hood and up and now just can't sing! it's a fear blocker. Fear of rejectin and critisim

With the piano playing, the blocker there is lack of self worth and self confidence and critism during music class at school, a teacher saying she was no good at it etc etc. so you get the confidence blocker, but if the core/brain is capable of doing the skill it gets passed on to one of us. Make sense?

I've passed skills back to WP at times. Some things she can't take back cuz of the blocker being too strongly in the path. bottom line, people with DID block things. Trauma, memories, events, even skills.

I know I dont explain any of this well but that's how it sorta works.

Me? I can't do maths LMAO! I so hated math class.

I'm also not so good with grammer or anything school related cuz of the abuse there but WP is ok at most of those things. So even we alters have our blockers. Oh and I can't write poetry. Oh well!


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It's easy to tell when you've switched. Charlotte loves writing, photography, but the we don't. We hate everything. So when we are here, we don't do what Charlotte wants to do.

So as far as the skills go, we aren't going to be any good unless Charlotte is doing them. And equally she is crap at doing things we want to do, like eating for starters! We are hungry but she doesn't eat and it's not so fair. But sometimes we can get her to like last night we ate two bread rolls and she hates it because it made her put on a pound in food weight. But then we can be there for her so she won't care so much.

There is a lot that we want to do, but ultimately Charlotte has control over her body so we can't make her do what we want unless we have managed to take over completely. It's crap for everybody really, well it is for us lot and her.

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I dont know, for me its about feelings and personality rather than skills one of them has or doesnt have... i know one of my personalities is a very camp gay man and that distorts my own grounding because he sometimes chooses the clothes for me to wear and when i come to wear them i dont like that... but i cant say if thats cause of the altered state of if its just me.....

Sorry if im rumberling on.

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I've just thought of another question about DID.

Before I ask it I'd just like to say, if my question asking offends anyone at any point please do let me know, it's not at all my intention to cause offence!

So, my question:

Is it possible for an alter to become the primary personality?

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What about professionals that don't believe DID is real, because it's not empirically verifiable and is completely subjective between patient and (an enabling) therapist? Has that been an issue for some people?

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I believe in my DID but not anyone elses and mine wasn't caused by therapy 'cause I had it all my life. I'm not sure why I think or feel that way either. I guess for me it's very private and not something I want others to laugh at because it's caused by a lot of trauma and pain and still traumatic for me to cope with, and I've also spent my whole life normalizing my experience to make it normal to what the world and others have always expected, to try to mimick the way others are rather than the way I really am. Also if you're crazy they want to lock you in a loony ward and I'm deathly afraid of those places too.

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