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A Friendly Hand


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Hello, everyone. :)

I did something really awesome today and i feel like sharing it with you, guys.

Today I went to an orphanage an hour far from the city i live. A really poor orphanage, 'cause the goverment had desert them. So they basically live from donations they recieve once in a while. The headmaster died few months ago, and some other orphanage took the girls away from them.. 'cause there were rumours that some girls were being molested by the guys who took care of the place.

So, me and my friends created a group called "A friendly hand", and we gathered lots and lots of food, clothes, meds, toys, stuff we thoguht they'd need, even a few doctors to do them a free medical exam; And we went to the orphanage.

I saw how their faces went from sad to happy. They smiled at me, and trust me when i say they did it from their heart. One of them told me "this is the best day of my life". I got tears in my eyes as i'm writting this. Words can't describe how amazing this experience is. We made their day.

And the case that shocked me more was a little 8 yrs old kid, who they thought had ADD 'cause he could focus on one thing for too long. I noticed that he narrowed his eyes everytime he tried to focus on something. So i made an ophtalmologist to check him. At the end, he didn't have ADD, he is just extremely myope; which means he just can't see too well.

Better than toys, food, clothes... We gave them hope, we gave them a reason to smile and more importantly, we let them know that the goverment may have forgotten about them.. we didn't and won't.



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omg what a heart rending story hun ...... im glad that this orpthanage has special people like you and your freinds to help them hun well done makes my life seem to simple and easy and yet i moan about it all the time, when i hear of such sadness hunnie but then my heart leaps for joy to hear the good that is done too,

wow i look up to you in admiratation, you and your freinds is there anything any of us could do to help? maybe i don't know but would love to somehow ...... (((hugs))) to you xox

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i have also got to add there is nothing like what you get back from giving even your time and careing and love can come back to you ten fold hun .... i think its a wonderful thing to help in your community and there very lucky to have people like you in there country putting there own goverment to shame ..... i like what you have called yourselfs to apt i'd say xoxoxoxoxoxox

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I was in an orphanage for the latter part of my childhood and appreciate what you're doing there. I hope you're able to keep up the good work for these kids. The difference and the hope it gives them is undoubtedly immeasurable.

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thank you for posting this Nickz, it is so lovely to read of people being helped like this. you are such a good person and you've made such a difference, even a *small* thing like an eye test can make a big difference to a childs life and to the adults there too xxx

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