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Run Out Of Ideas


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I have taken my anti-d, my anti-p, been on exercise bike, distracted, done some Colour Breathing and have lavender oil on all my pulse points but the anxiety monster still has my stomach and head on fast spin and it's making me double over like pain. <_<

Any more ideas?

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Oh I'm sorry hun :hug2: I really wish I could help

Colour Breathing

I have never heard of that?

Sorry no help today, but have lots of hugs



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Hi, sorry you are feeling so bad, is there someone you can call who could help calm you down? When i get so anxious i call my therapist and usually that helps. I think its great you have tried so many things though, hope you feel better soon.xx

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Oh I'm sorry hun :hug2: I really wish I could help

Colour Breathing

I have never heard of that?

Sorry no help today, but have lots of hugs



I wrote a post about colour breathing a while ago ... just gonna go look for the link brb ... found it

Thanks for the hugs sweets xx

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Morning sweetheart. xxxxx

How are you with puzzles? Crosswords, wordsearches, sudoku etc? If you google "online (whatever you're looking for)" then there should be a few sites that come up with some puzzle stuff to do online. good to try take your mind off stuff, I've found.

Here to talk if you wanna. I'm in "distract yourself" mode too this morning.


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Morning sweetheart. xxxxx

How are you with puzzles? Crosswords, wordsearches, sudoku etc? If you google "online (whatever you're looking for)" then there should be a few sites that come up with some puzzle stuff to do online. good to try take your mind off stuff, I've found.

Here to talk if you wanna. I'm in "distract yourself" mode too this morning.


Crippie you're a star - my cross-stitch of course!!!, it always helps a bit or sometimes a lot.

*Goes to get cross-stitch* :):bigarmhug[1]: :bigarmhug[1]: xx

Edit - if I could give you 5 plus points for that I would - can't believe I hadn't thought about that myself which is why I posted to see if there was something I'd forgotten xx

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Hi, sorry you are feeling so bad, is there someone you can call who could help calm you down? When i get so anxious i call my therapist and usually that helps. I think its great you have tried so many things though, hope you feel better soon.xx

Thanks Addy - I'm gonna try some cross-stitch and if that doesn't work, I will give my CPN a call - thanks for the advice xxxx

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Thanks for the link, I will try that. :D

I like puzzles when I am stressed, (thanks Crippie :D) some ppl find them more stressful but it works for me,

I hope doing some cross-stitch helps


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Hi honey

How are you feeling now? Did the cross stitch help? I really hope it did and that your feeling a-bit better

Thinking of you, much love and hugs x x

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pdoc told me pregabalin (lyrica) is v good for anxiety

cant tell you as its still in box - untaken - atm

but he and cpn said lots of people have really really found it excellent

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Hi catsmother

I know this is probably not what you want to hear when feeling anxious, because you want something to get rid of it, but actually I find its more helpful to go in the opposite direction. Instead of fighting it and trying to remove it, you go towards it. For me that might involve sitting down (though after a bit you can do it anywhere), closing my eyes and 'looking' inside my body to find where the anxiety is, normally in my stomach, lungs or chest. Then its like you take a little journey around the hurtey parts of your body, sort of an emotional tourist, and you 'look' at what the sensations are. I find that desperately fighting a feeling that doesnt want to go away just makes it more intense, and you add frustration into the mix as well.

Its a very mindfulness type thing - you stop trying to feel calm, and open up to what you do feel. You get to know your body and how it reacts to emotions. You can ask it whats wrong, sort of be kind to it - "why are you here? What is upsetting you? Its OK, you can talk to me" and stuff. If no one has prodded you in that direction yet, then acceptance and especially using meditation to fuel that acceptance can be really helpful. Its not that ot 'gets rid' of anxiety, but more like the anxiety no longer feel so absolute and dominant. Sometimes feelings just want to be heard, and by letting them in and listening to them, you find they go "ok I am am happy now, taaaa" and wander off grinning :)

When I feel anxious the first thing I do nowadays is pay total attention to the anxious feelings in my body, and try not to tense up against them or get rid of them. Its a little bit like sitting with a stomach ache - you dont get up to find a rennie or watch telly, you sort of go "ok this hurts. It feels all sharp and horrid. Now I need a poo". It seems to take so much steam out of it and you see how it rises and falls. I know others here have found it to be true too - acceptance is a really helpful direction to go in, but I know thats hard to swallow when you are sitting there with your body awash with horrible sensations.


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Hiya Catsmother,

I have anxiety issues as well. I see you are a fan of essential oils... have you ever tried Vetiver oil ?

It's known as the 'Oil of Tranquility' in India. Heres a copy & paste bit-

"Vetiver oil has sedative properties and is used as an aromatherapy oil for its soothing and calming effect on the body. This oil can be used for treating various ailments since it has an all round benefit in most of the systems in the body. Vetiver oil is an effective remedy for calming down the nervous system, irritability, dispels anger, hysteria and neurotic behavior. Vetiver oil acts as a circulatory stimulant that helps in revitalizing and fortifying the red blood cells, which in turn increases the level of oxygen in the blood. It is a rubefacient, that increases the flow of blood to the sore and aching muscles. Vetiver oil is also effective in treating disorders like nervousness, depression, emotional disturbances and nervous irritation. Skin problems like acne, stretch marks and other skin related disorders like dermatitis and psoriasis are effectively treated by the topical application of vetiver oil. Due to its antispasmodic properties, vetiver oil is known to ease abdominal cramps during menstruation."

I found it in my local shops for a tenner- then found it on ebay for £2, so it's not that expensive. I have never applied it topically, i just put a few drops in a burner, or add a bit to a plain bath foam for a really chilled bath. I dunno about the claims above- but it DEF works for anxiety. I hope you feel better soon xx a.m

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Wow - thanks for all the advice and tips - you're all stars :grouphug[1]:

The cross-stitch did help, I've got to go to the docs now but will come back and read this properly later. xxxx

Edit - Badkitteh sorry I ran out of plus points but will come back when I've got some more xx

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iya cat,sorry only just read this.

im glad you are taking the great advie on here.

be good to yourself and i hope the docs go okay xx

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Yesterday I bought a big colouring book and wax crayons - part of me feels guilty for doing something so childlike - but wow colouring-in destressed me!

I am glad the cross stitch helped. I keep meaning to have a go - but got a bit overwhelmed as to what design I wanted.

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Yesterday I bought a big colouring book and wax crayons - part of me feels guilty for doing something so childlike - but wow colouring-in destressed me!

you're never too old for colouring-in :)

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Hi catsmother

I know this is probably not what you want to hear when feeling anxious, because you want something to get rid of it, but actually I find its more helpful to go in the opposite direction. Instead of fighting it and trying to remove it, you go towards it. For me that might involve sitting down (though after a bit you can do it anywhere), closing my eyes and 'looking' inside my body to find where the anxiety is, normally in my stomach, lungs or chest. Then its like you take a little journey around the hurtey parts of your body, sort of an emotional tourist, and you 'look' at what the sensations are. I find that desperately fighting a feeling that doesnt want to go away just makes it more intense, and you add frustration into the mix as well.

Its a very mindfulness type thing - you stop trying to feel calm, and open up to what you do feel. You get to know your body and how it reacts to emotions. You can ask it whats wrong, sort of be kind to it - "why are you here? What is upsetting you? Its OK, you can talk to me" and stuff. If no one has prodded you in that direction yet, then acceptance and especially using meditation to fuel that acceptance can be really helpful. Its not that ot 'gets rid' of anxiety, but more like the anxiety no longer feel so absolute and dominant. Sometimes feelings just want to be heard, and by letting them in and listening to them, you find they go "ok I am am happy now, taaaa" and wander off grinning :)

When I feel anxious the first thing I do nowadays is pay total attention to the anxious feelings in my body, and try not to tense up against them or get rid of them. Its a little bit like sitting with a stomach ache - you dont get up to find a rennie or watch telly, you sort of go "ok this hurts. It feels all sharp and horrid. Now I need a poo". It seems to take so much steam out of it and you see how it rises and falls. I know others here have found it to be true too - acceptance is a really helpful direction to go in, but I know thats hard to swallow when you are sitting there with your body awash with horrible sensations.


Hi Ross - I have read this and other stuff that you have posted about this and I have tried to do it. I can sit with it and identify that it is anxiety and I can sit and try to work out if there is a valid reason that I can then deal with it or if it's that yucky kind of anxiety where there is no reason for it all which is the hardest to deal with in my opinion. However, I can only sit with it for so long and then I need to go off and do something to distract myself because if I just sit and sit with it, it gets worse and worse for me.

So it is good for me up to a point but then I need to distract as well.

Thank you sweets xxxx

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Yesterday I bought a big colouring book and wax crayons - part of me feels guilty for doing something so childlike - but wow colouring-in destressed me!

you're never too old for colouring-in :)

I need to go and get some colouring-in stuff too. Forgot to bring anything with me when I moved and am noticing just how much I "need" it, actually. :( It's a brilliant distraction for me, much better than drawing, because I get frustrated with myself when I draw unless i'm in exactly the right frame of mind.


Cats- really glad cross-stitch helped :) love to you


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