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Cant Cope With Day To Day Life


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I am so exhausted all of the time, dont know if its depression, not sleeping, the immediate reactions I get to the slightess feeling of rejection. Coping with the kids, putting on 3 stone in 9 months, being unfit, managing the house, being totally isloted. Just about everything. Its just exhausting and I have only moments that i feel motivated, even to come on here.

What is the answer, more meds? what? how do I motivate myself, i know cleaning the house would feel better but i am so tired. I try doing abit but it just gets worse each day.

feel like a big fat useless slob.

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These could be my words , my house looks like a bomb hit it but I can't kick myself up the behind to make it better, everytime I do it's back in a state within 12 hours. I'm really bad at this house keeping stuff. i'm the same with work I have hardly done anything I know how much I could achieve in a day if I just got on with it. I am also at an end as to what is going to kick me out of this. I've been taking my meds regularly again but am just more low now I have hardly any mania periods at all. I'm wondering if there is actually anything that can help. I know they say you should celebrate the tiny successes to build up your self esteem but I'm drawing blanks on even the tiniest of things. The only hope I hold on to is that it has been better and may be I'll get there again in the future.

The things that usually pick me up just arn't working it's like every nerve ending has been cut and I feel nothing most of the time then overwhelming despair sets in. Sorry don't mean to go on I just wanted to let you know I can relate to your feelings, it would probably be more helpful if I had some suggestions as to how to get around those feelings but am stumped for answers too. xxx B

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Hi Christine

You've got a lot on your plate with all your feelings and depression and looking at it all sounds like it's overwhelming you and compounding those feelings of being out of control and not knowing which way to turn.

I would speak to your doc about your meds and with everything else - tackle one thing at a time.

Have you got the time to go for an aromatherapy massage because a friend of mine used to do this for me and I used to float out of her salon and go home and sleep like a baby.

Hugs xxxx

Edit - an exercise class or the gym might be a good idea as well because you can get fit, lose some weight and be around other people as well.

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Aw it is a vicious circle. Depressed = mess, mess= depression, eating = weight, weight = depression. Geee it is tough. I would see a doctor, maybe you are entitled to some extra help? Meanwhile, baby steps hun and safe hugs. xx

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I agree with the others, the best would probably be to talk to someone about it. I understand that the tiredness won't make you want to exercise much but it probably is part of the backbone to get better. I have found that if I beat myself into a walk, even if it's 20mins, I feel so much betterr for it afterwards. And with this, weight can be controlled a bit better and you might even feel a little more motivated. Is there someone you could go for a wee walk with every day? Maybe someone else in your neighbourhood that would like to get out more/lose weight?

Maybe a yoga class would be a good thing? Trying to relax, strengthening your body and feeling more at ease with the world and yourself? I know it's not easy but maybe there are things you could just tweak a little and take a small step here, another one there...

I've gained weight, too, since I started taking Seroquel and I really don't like it. But I know that I have also decreased my exercise massively due to the initial side effects of feeling very sleepy. They have worn off now but I'm still not back to my usual exercise regime - so it's partly down to me, too. I can understand though, when you're feeling very low, that every little thing is an effort as it is and you might not want to do any of it.

Speak to someone, hun, and I hope things will get better, soon xxx

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Have spoke to medics about this, they dont seem to feel that a mild/moderate depression is an issue. have started an excercise class and feel so much worse for 2 days afterwards and it has no effect on my mood. heh ho, am trying. tough though, guess nothing gets better immediately, have been trying for 20 years so I guess can keep waiting longer. ( she says sarcastically, not directed at you all but shit me)

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I wouldn't call this mild depression - are you telling them everything? Sorry for being nosey but so want you to get some help and feel better xx

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agre with Cats not mild I don't thinks could you get someone to help you explain what's goingon for you next time you see docs? Sunds like you needs more helps. xxxB

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he saw me 2 weeks ago and I was really down and I did tell him everything including wanting to die, said he would like me to stop drinking which i have done, but was happy enough to let me leave without any help or new meds and an appt in a month. I think they see so many people. I can wait, its no worse than it has been before. Just needed to sound off. thanks cats xx

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also think they look at us, esp those of us that are 'older' - and decide since we have managed to get through several decades, another month or whatever wont hurt


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also think they look at us, esp those of us that are 'older' - and decide since we have managed to get through several decades, another month or whatever wont hurt


It hurts when they bring out " you have got over it before." somehow I feelit just negates everything I'm going through. When that comes ou of their mouthes I just want to crumble and disappear I feel like I'm a burden to all and a waste of effort. I don't think these doctors realise the impact their words have on people.

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they dont even need to say it

can see it in their eyes, in their actions

'you have kept going, - SO - keep going'

Sadly I think this is the case :( Christine sounding off, gee that is not feeling sorry for yourself, that is reaching out, :)

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Is there any way you could see another doctor Christine? The doctor you are seeing doesnt seem to realise what a difficult time you're having. maybe another doctor would be more prepared to listen, more able to see theres something wrong.

its good that its not getting any worse and you probably can wait another month, your coping better than you think you are but you shouldnt have to wait ((((christine))))))

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