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not sure if this is in right place, i am trying not to flip from binging to not eating, never get balance, i have not been dx'ed with ed tho.

so i am trying to lose weight, i am on verge of overweight due to binging and not purging. so i am trying to eat healthy, like banana for breekie, rhubarba and a little low fat custard for lunch, or a healthy soup 1g of fat, no bread or anything else, and t weight watcher microwave meal no more than 4g of fat, and grapes or banana if hungry in between. i have also cut down on coffee, and moved to decaff, and hardly any skimmed milk (liked it milky). i have stuck to this and dont appear to be losing any weight am i doing something wrong?

i do 50-60 sit ups a day, and walk the dog too! i have been doing it a bout a week, not long a know but i am impatient and can see food becoming an issue already, wouldnt eat normal t with family as too fattening etc, i am worried i will start having a real problem soon if i dont start seeing results.

any advise welcome


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(((cadance))) that doesn't sound like much food at all! well done for being able to stick to it. in fact have you made sure the diet isn't too strict and you're getting enough calories? i think when dieting the first few weeks are the hardest and then your body gets used to it. i know its hard but try to be patient and i'm sure in a couple more weeks you will definitely see a difference.

i'm hoping to lose a bit of weight for summer and really need to cut out bread-jam on toast is my absolute weakness and unfortunately never fills me up. so it'll have to go (*cries*)

when i've managed to cut down before ive found tinned soups and cupa soups brilliant for snacks as they are low cal and fill you up.

good luck xxxx

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thanks vivien

can totally relateto u loving bread and jam, my weakness is choc, and cake!

yes it is soup i sometimes have for lunch, the ones that say they r healthy, and only have 1g of fat.

i have to stick too it i hate my body as it is, really hate it! hated it when was 7 st despise it now

good luck with your diet too


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Diets often dont work as people use the low fat or weight watcher or low sugar low calorie packaged or tinned options in supermarkets however they are not what they make out if you studied the label you would see you are either getting another type of sugar or calories from bad rather than from good or rediculous amounts of salt all these things lead to a poor reactive body. You have to change how you feed your body to train to loose weight and stay like that. Its easy just think simple fish lean meat veg fruit all in moderation. Tinned soups are desiving and full of salt chuch few veggies and herbs in a pot before bed to make ya own. Things like green tea avacado oiley fish plain nuts will actually speed up your metabolism. Goji berries bluberries raw cacao will help with the sweet cravings i love naked bars thier sweet from natural stuff quinoa think super foods. I graze so i nibble on things every few hours thus keeps ya metobolisim working and your body doesnt go into starvation mood so doesnt hold on to excess. Hope that helps. Exercise in the morning best time to burn. However im sure ya beau the way you are so look after yourself. I am post ed so this way of eating helps me. Xx

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You might find it takes a bit longer than that to lose weight. I've found with both me and the wife that we can both gain in the first week of a diet. From what the various diet schemes she has been on say that this is common. Also you may find you may be putting on some muscle from the increased exercise which may weigh more than the weight you lose initially. We found that checking how well clothes fitted was usefull as looser clothes would indicate you had lost some fat.

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Agree with Evade..the first week you will gain weight from the week before you started the better habits. Wait a least whole week (+2 days) and see if you don't feel a little different. It is amazing progress not purging to fix it. Don't be impatient, remember this week that you have done good things and you have nothing to regret. After a week or so don't weigh yourself, wait a couple of weeks. Enjoy you have made a start.


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Hey like I said the other night hun I think you're lovely as you are but I can relate to wanting to lose weight.. I think the key is to do it slowly, I've lost it quickly in the past and just put it straight back on again once I started eating again. I also found exercise helped more than changing my diet that much (obviously eat healthily too but I found that to help more than anything). Sending you hugs, try not to let it take you over that's always what happens when I try and diet :blink: xxx

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thanks everyone

its hard watching family eat nice stuff and not joining in, i am trying to psych myself up to go swimming but not confident enough in swimwear. i used to be a good swimmer though, hubby gonna get me a thingy that attaches to a normal bike that keeps it still so can use it inside too.

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not sure if this is in right place, i am trying not to flip from binging to not eating, never get balance, i have not been dx'ed with ed tho.

so i am trying to lose weight, i am on verge of overweight due to binging and not purging. so i am trying to eat healthy, like banana for breekie, rhubarba and a little low fat custard for lunch, or a healthy soup 1g of fat, no bread or anything else, and t weight watcher microwave meal no more than 4g of fat, and grapes or banana if hungry in between. i have also cut down on coffee, and moved to decaff, and hardly any skimmed milk (liked it milky). i have stuck to this and dont appear to be losing any weight am i doing something wrong?

i do 50-60 sit ups a day, and walk the dog too! i have been doing it a bout a week, not long a know but i am impatient and can see food becoming an issue already, wouldnt eat normal t with family as too fattening etc, i am worried i will start having a real problem soon if i dont start seeing results.

any advise welcome


Hey, you should drink A LOT of water, it will help get rid of the excess water in your body. Ironic, yep, but drinking water helps to reduce the sodium and sodium makes you store water weight!

You should also find out your bmr (basal metabolic rate. Use a calculator online, although it's obviously not completely accurate, it will give you an indication of how much calories you need to eat.

The basic rule is: eat less than you work off.

Your bmr is the amount of calories your body will burn on it's own without any extra exercise, it needs those calories to function normally. You should then either, up your fitness level or lower your calorie intake to just under your bmr. Don't eat less than 1200 calories per day or your body will go into starvation mode and will cling on to the fat instead of burning it. Good luck (:

And also, it took me months to get in the pool but I really enjoyed it and burned about 500 calories in 45 minutes.

Hadn,t dared to go swimming before then for 9 years. When I got it, I almost drowned it had been that long!

So go swimming, and don't worry about your body. All types of people go to the pool (:

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Basically you are not eating enough hun )=

I know the simple thing to automatically do is restrict your calorie in take when wanting to lose weight but you can restrict too far and your body goes into starvation mode.

I've lost 34.5lbs in 9 weeks now from following a low fat diet ( ww) but to be quite honest its all just about basic nutrition.

* Up your protein intake - lean meats, chicken and fresh fish are great and very filling, they actually keep hunger at bay for longer than carbs do.

* Do you starve your body of carbs - you do still need carbs to function properly, and be healthy. try switching to wholegrain where possible, and cut your portion sizes. I usually have around 60g of wholemeal pasta or rice which is so filling and a good sized portion to fill me without over indulging.

* Make sure you get enough diary - you need dairy products as well to be healthy. try having another glass of milk at some point in the day

* On ww we've been trained that bananas are good for you in moderation. I wouldnt recommend having more than 1 every two days ( no one jump down my throat here, I am copying exactly what I have been told, I'm not saying its gospel!!) most people on my programme have reported a weight gain when they have too many bananas.

* Mix up your diet - eating the same foods over and over will not work. your body needs different foods in order to work properly.

* A banana alone for breakfast is NOT enough. Try having 2 poached or boiled eggs , and you can have a slice of wholewheat toast with that. or have 30/40g of bran flakes/special k or wheetabix with skimmed milk and some strawberries or blueberries on top, oatso simple works great too and the cinnamon one is YUMMY!!!. or a large fruit salad with yogurt over the top (= really yummy!

* Again for lunch your totally limiting your calorie intake - too much. yes soup is fine, but not every day and not always on its own. add a few ryvita on the side to dip in, Or a large summer salad with some added avocado and feta cheese for some healthy fats. or a handful of pine nuts thrown over the top. or a grilled chicken breast on the side for protein.

* Drink at least 1.5lts of water a day.

I used to be the worst person for binging then purging, would be a horrid cycle where I was constantly doing one or the other. But in Jan i took control of my diet and honestly the stuff I have learned works, I've lost over 2 stone in a matter of weeks and I've done it in a healthy way. It sounds so simple and I'm eating so much every day - honestly I am having ALOT of food, and I am never hungry, I am simply making healthier food choices, and bulking up my meals with massive amounts of fruit and veg. It does work hun!

Keep at it, and stay positive *hugs* always here if you want to talk about it xxxxx

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thank u for all the help much appreciated, tbh all i knew was fruit and veg good for u ! naive i know. have tried having small portions of family meal at t time, but tbh would rather not as dont know how fattening it is.

food becoming scary

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oooo huni * hugs*

food is frightening I know, but its time now to be brave and make food your friend (=

Fruit is good for you, but some are higher in calories etc and therefore if you have too many it can have an adverse affect.

Have you tried making your own meals at dinner time? I try to now as I dont like eating their meals - i dont know wat goes into them and have no control over what they eat. I make low fat versions of their meals . I enjoy food so much more now i know its not the enemy.

but i understand because it took me a long time to see that xxxx

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i havent read the other replies so sorry if i repeat.

you arent eating much at all hun.

your body will cling onto to calories when you do eat cos it will be starvation mode.

excercise if definatley the way...swimming is great or even an exercise dvd you can do at home is fun aswel:-)

i like to eat fish and veg or lean meat and veg with potaoes and i restrict carbs after half 5.

i know its hard hun but you will get there xx

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some healthy dinners -

* 60 g wholewheat pasta with 100g quorn, tomato and basil passata and garlic, peppers and mushrooms ( optional)

* 60g rice with any of the stir in chinese sauces, with lean beef, chicken breast or just lots of veg if you prefer

* grilled chicken breasts , butternut squash chips ( so yummy and taste just like chips and are almost fat free!) and brocolli /sweetcorn/ cauliflower/peas / carrots

* gammon is a lower in fat mean than some red meat - i have this once a week with 200 g of baby boiled pots and some veg

* wholemeal wrap with some wafer thin chicken, lettuce, mustard , red pepper and red onion

* tuna and onion wraps - so tasty and tuna is so low in fat

* it might sound silly but check the weight watchers website for really low fat recipies. they post them up there all the time and the meals are always really filling. just for ideas

I literally eat non stop all day, ( well i feel like i do) and when i count it up my calorie intake is still only around 1300 / 1400 and it is working for me.


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excellent ideas thank u i love all those, it was the stir fry i was thinking of , and think i will get some tuna and wholemeal wraps. wil def look at the website, thank u.

run out of plus points but when i get more wil def give u some. :-)

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dont worry and plus points huni, just work on yourself now and feeling better (=

always here to help and if you need anything, please just ask xxxx

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