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Cbt Risk Vs Reward


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I went to see an independent CBT practicioner this morning before work. I got a good impression from the testemonials on her website. I also generally got a good vibe from walking through her door and talking to her. I even feel more optimistic in myself today. All in all, gut feeling, very good.

However, when I asked her how much a session is its a lot of money, basically double what I had thought of paying. There is no obligation to commit to a number of sessions, or even to have a session every week at a scheduled time, basically I can fit the programme to what suits me, but its going to be a lot of money for something that might not work.

I am an eternal sceptic, but then I am beginning to think that my lack of trust is part of my problem. I also know enough about myself and my problems to know that CBT is the right sort of therapy for me. And I know I am fortunate enough to be able to afford it at the moment, so why am I being so cynical?

I have paid for therapy in the past at much lower rates and not got a lot out of it. I know you get the service you pay for, at least thats how it works in the industry Im in.

I don't know whether I've come on here for advice or just a general rant about the questions going on in my head. Anyway please feel free to comment, or not, and I will take your advice, or not.

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Going private was the best thing I ever did, but its also worth noting that therapy type does not exist in isolation: The therapist is a hugely importan part of it, and if you feel comfortable with them, trust in their ability and feel safe and encouraged by them, then that is at least as important as the type of therapy you are having itself. Sounds like you feel pretty good about this person, so thats really good news.

In the past I have paid anything between £50 - £90 for therapy sessions, and thats having CBT or Schema Therapy. Therapies like Client Centred Counselling or Gestalt tend to be cheaper. Not sure about psychodynamic because I only had that on the NHS.

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me too with private... i had client centered... @ £30 / hour (including frequent free overruns of up to 15 mins) seeing her was best thing i ever did...

and what Ross says about the therapy AND the therapist is extremely important imo...

and if you dont have to commit to a certain number then i would at least give it a chance, even if it didnt work for you, at least you would have "ticked that box" and then you would be free to explore alternatives...

one further thing to consider, the therapist, does she also practice otehr forms of therapy, or is she solely CBT, cos you never know, you may be able to keep her and try something else if teh CBT fails... i knwo alot of therapists are multi skilled... wouldnt hurt to ask...

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