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Been a while since I posted anything. I thought things were finally getting back on track.

I went on holiday with my mum for my birthday which turned out a total disaster, after her telling me to basically get on with it (mh problems etc).

Before that I had a horrible birthday as my boyfriend and I had a massive row and he went to see his ex.

Blah blah.

So I come back hoping to sort stuff out and now I've ended it with my boyfriend, I don't know if I've made the right decision.

And in an hours time I'm going to my first lot of dbt/cbt I can't remember and I'm freaking out.

I don't really want to open another can of worms and freak out even more when I go there. There's so much going on right now. Alls I want to do is stay in and get drunkkkk.

I need to calm down NEEDEDD to calm DOWN

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hya Bec, I'm really sorry to hear you're struggling.

noticed you hadn't posted for a wee while, was wondering where you were at and what was going on for you, glad to hear you're still about, but it sounds like you've had a pretty shitty time of things recently. hugs.

What can you do to help yourself calm down a little? What usually helps you?


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