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Withdrawal Symptoms


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I've just come off my Lamotrigine (stopped a week ago today), I'm currently reducing my Naltrexone which I've been on longer.. I was only on 50mg of this because my psych said trials have shown small doses help dissociative symptoms in some cases. I'm now on 25mg of it (for the past week) & got quite sick over the weekend with stomach problems and palpitations/chest pains. I'm not sure if it's just a bug or if it's because of the tablet reductions. I've just been to the GP & my palpitations are a bit better today, although I still can't really keep any food down. Both my blood pressure and heart rate are a bit high, which he thinks is probably due to the reductions so I'm cutting them down a bit slower than planned and going back if palpitations get any worse. Just wondering if anyone had an experience of coming on the Naltrexone in particular?

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no personal experience, but just wanted to give you hugs :bigarmhug[1]::bigarmhug[1]::bigarmhug[1]: Really hope this stops for you, but am glad to hear palpitations have got better today (they suck! I get them badly when stressed, been happening a lot lately). my fb is playing up and won't let me reply to your message on there, but shall try again in a bit. love to you hunni xxxxx

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Thank you Crippie :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: appreciate the hugs anyway, could do with one right now! Don't like being on my own when I feel ill :( Yes I'm glad the palpitations are a bit better today too, I get them normally with panic attacks but these were lasting longer & make me panic so I probably making them worse but I can't help it, I convince myself I'm dying or something :ashamed0005: That's okay hun, silly facebook, hope you're okay, another big hug for you bigarmhug[1].gif xxxxx

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Hi (((shadow))) hunny,

I am interested in your withdrawl tales, as i am doing the exact opposite to you - ramping up lamictal, dexoxing off opoids, and naltrexone, being an opioid blocker is supposed to be a help w /h too? My friend in r/l got that for her s/h. She had no bother coming off it, but we are all so different in regards meds.

Hate to hear of anyone in withdrawls of anything so sending you safe gentle hugs. Keep y'self hydrated , eat fruit or smoothies, and take it easy.... Best wishes, Anne Marie

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Ah yeah that was the other thing my psych said - the Naltrexone might make me less impulsive in terms of my self-harm but didn't really do that either <_< Yeah I've been fine in the past coming off all different meds, this is the first bad reaction I've had - well, unless it is just a bug, not sure :rolleyes:

Hope the Lamotrigine works for you, it made my mood swings worse so didn't even get up to the full dose I was meant to be on, just wanted to get off it after 3 months.

Thank you :) yes, making a conscious effort to drink a lot and trying to eat a bit of fruit, food doesn't seem to like me right now but managed some yoghurt thats something I guess.. Hopefully slowing down the rate I'm reducing it at will help a little.. or if it is just a bug, hopefully it will leave me alone soon :blink:

Good luck, hope you get on better with these meds :) xxx

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hi never experienced withdrawl from those drugs as not been on them. but there is a nasty sickness bug going around where i am at mo ive had it all weekend so is possible it could be that. but hugs anyway :bigarmhug[1]:

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Thanks Moggy, sorry to hear you're not well either :hug2: it might be yeah, hard to tell what's me and what's the meds.. My chest seems a bit calmer today but now my head feels like it's exploding <_< xxx

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