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Male, 27, Developing An Unhealthy Food Pattern...


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Hello! New member here but not new to forums.

I'm a recently 27 year old male from the UK and I'm developing a bad habit of bingeing on junk food. It's something I've always done to a degree, every so often I'd just have a blow-out and I believe there is nothing wrong with that. But recently it is happening more frequently, bigger binges and although I never have and never will, thoughts of purging and feelings of guilt afterwards.

A little about me:

If you met me, I do not look at all like someone you might associate with an eating disorder. I'm tall, very athletically built and without sounding vain and conceited [which it will, and I'm not], I have a physique worthy of a magazine cover for much of the year (which is in fact something I'm looking to get into). I am often looked upon and thought of as a 'health freak', based solely on the way I look, nothing else. My diet is generally pretty good; good fats, good quality carbs, meats, vegetable.

I also have a very good understanding of food, physiology and endocrinology and I am very good at applying it in real life, both in myself and other people who I have helped. I'm a keen athlete and lift weights 2-4 times a week, do some form of intense cardio as often as I can (0-3 times a week, varies a lot, sometimes sprinting, sometimes calisthenics, sometimes boxing/sparring, etc) and I play ice hockey (normally, I've been living away from home the last 9 months so it's taken a back seat).

So my life has been a little hectic over the last 2 years, lots and lots of things to take in, some quite stressful. As I'm fairly introverted in a sense of I like to hide away and switch off every once in a while, I've always found comfort in locking myself in my room, playing computer games and indulging my sweet and savoury tooth. Recently this has gone down the road of eating lots of junk when bored, tired, stressed or on a downer. As it stands, I've been in much darker places in my head in the past than now, in fact now I'm moderately content so I don't think that is the issue. But what was once a 6-weekly occurrence is now turning into a twice weekly occurrence, and 10k kcal in a sitting once or twice a week is not something I want to continue.

So I've come to this forum to see if anyone has any advice to help me break this cycle, regain control of my eating and try and avoid splurging like I have been doing.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I look forward to your responses!

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Perhaps worth mentioning also, my family aren't great with food either. My mother has been bulimic for as long as I can remember, my sister is what is colloquially known as a 'greedy pig' (she has poor self control with food, eat things to excess), my dad also tells me she has started purging recently as well, which she flatly denies. My old man is a compulsive big eater, though not necessarily junk he can eat huge volumes of food in a short space of time and is overweight.

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Hi, i havent been here for a while, but took interest in your post.

What i see is that you actually know the answers to your questions. You know that you have had a upbringing of food related problems and maybe image probs.

To gain control of your eating i guess you need to address the underlining problem? is it family and childhood background? are u depressed hense some eat more or dont?

To give a little understanding where im coming from. i have suffered from ED since 13, never since after 18 have i ever been over weight. From 2 yrs ago alot of pysical probs happened and i have put alot of weight on, even how much i hate it and cant stop my eating pattern just now.

Your wanting control over your eating, from what i have learnt from having an ED is, us wanting control is actually us in not in control, if u understand? or we are craving things to eat to stop what ever problem or going on that is happening to reduce the stress. sry prob not explained myself properly. As i said, i havent been here for long while and its hard for me to explain alot of times.

sry prob not much help, but here as an old fellow gamer.

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