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Ever Have A Friend


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I have this friend online who just doesn't get it. Anything that is. She's VERY well to do (like can write a check to pay off her mortgage) and complains about all of their "financial problems." Of course she'll do this after I say we can't pay rent so it makes me feel completely crappy. Or she'll say how fat she is. She weighs 140 and had TWINS not long ago. Makes me want to barf. And it's not only in interpersonal matters that she's clueless.

The best thing though is the tea conversation. We were talking about iced tea. Well, she buys hers premade by the gallon. I told her that I make mine by the gallon too. She said "make it? like with tea bags and water?" WELL DUH! I told her that yes, those were in fact the ingredients of iced tea. She just didn't get it. She thought that there was a different way to make tea if it was sweet. Didn't know that you just added sugar or honey to regular tea. Maybe it's just me that thinks that is just too clueless.

Anyhow, I'm just wondering if anybody else has a clueless friend? How do you deal with it? Just smile and nod or tell them how it really is?

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:blink: ...

i dont think i have one... at least not one as clueless as yours. maybe you just have to laugh at how "Reality challenged" this friend of yours is!


rofl :P


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