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Cant Keep Lying To Myself


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I never thought i'd need this section of the forum but I've come to realize that I do.

I have an eating problem.

All my life i've said that I'll eat whatever I want whenever I want it cause its my life and my body, and I always have.

The reason why it never affected me in the past was because I have an incredibly fast metabolismm (Guess that makes me lucky) and I was fairly active as a kid.

In my sixth form days I ate considerably more junk food because I was guided less and less on what to eat by my parents, I had my own money for food and I bought what I liked, I didnt think too much off it because I walked the school journey most days (8 miles or so there and back) and was still an active runabout with my friends.

The problem that I have no is that a few years later i'm STILL eating the way i've always eaten, but now i'm doing barely any exercise at all,

My growing personality disorders and phobias have caused me to barely leave my bedroom outside of work, I do a jujitsu class as you know once a week but now ive damaged my sciatic nerve i've been banned from doing it by my doctor for the next 3 weeks. (which actually makes any kind of exercise pretty damn hard at this exact moment in time.

I have a stomach defect which causes my stomach to produce 2X the normal amount of acid that it should, This causes me to get intense chest pains and the feeling of burning in my stomach when I don't eat, and I was advised by my doctor to eat every 2-3 hours, and have always done so, I even at one point started keeping biscuits or the like in a drawer by my bed so if i felt acidic in the night when I woke up i'd have something to eat.

its because of these reasons that I feel unable to change my habits, I do like alot of healthy foods and not just junk but the problem is if i eat most fruits that I like etc they are very acidic in nature and do not help my condition at all and end up making me feel worse unless I have something else to counter it.

I don't know what to do because the logically conclusion would be to return to the pattern that worked, which would require me to become as active as I used to be 6 years ago, something that is almost unthinkable to me right now.

I know this sounds pathetic because if you ask me my reason why, its that I'm overweight and self conscious about it,

but heres the thing,

I've always been "slightly" overweight, I was always about 12 stone when I was in sixth form and because of my height I should of been around 10 1/2 to 11, I haven't weighed myself in YEARS (at least 3) and I did last night and i'm now 13 stone,

So I think it sounds stupid that I'm so distraught over a stone, I mean it could be worse I could of gained 10 in my recklessness. and if i'm putting on a stone in 3 years (thanks to my metabolism helping me to slow down the rate i put it on :D ) then surely losing it (again with the help of the metabolism) shouldn't be too much of an effort since i put it on slowly over time and burn it quite quickly.

This still concerns me though,

Anyone got any advice for me?

(p.s) I also eat more junk food at work because i often dont stop to eat and so eat while working I have decent meals at home because I still live with my parents and my mum cooks, I also note that when I was on holiday last week I only ever snacked when I had acidic pains, where as at work I eat also because i'm stressed and take great comfort in eating. and am terrible for comfort eating.

Input greatly appreciated.

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It doesn't sound like you have an ED... You have stomach problems and that has influenced your eating habbits, it happens, I've seen it a few times in people I know. All you need to do is make sure you find some healthy things that aren't too acidic. Like vegies, I really like carrots.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello there,

It sounds like your having a tough time. I obviously can't make you better but i have a few suggestions. first from a medical perspective i'm not a doctor but work for st johns ambulance so have a pretty good medical knowledge. Sounds like your stomach pain could be caused by a gastric ulcer. Perhaps go to your doctor and ask if you can take omeperazole, all it does is decrease the amount of acid in your stomach.If your doc wont prescribe you with it then try rennies :-). It wont do you any damage to take anyway. Also if you smoke then try to stop because it makes it worse and try to increase the fibre in your diet.

I know that healthy foods can aggravate your stomach but it doesn't have to. there are only really a few things you shouldn't consume and these are cafinated and carbonated drinks, chocolate (I know thats proberbly a challenge), citric fruits and tomato based produce.

I know what you mean about it being hard to eat properly but i don't think you should worry too much from a psychological point of view. alot of it to me sounds like you have just aloud yourself to get into bad habbits. I think it should help if even though you have to snack every 2-3 hours you made something proper to eat throughout the day so for example make little canape type foods, little sandwiches or small salads rather than junk or even try some oat cookies without putting sugar in.

Dont do what most people do and not keep food in the office because you wont be able to survive without a snack and you'll reach for the old junk food for a quick pain relief.

Make sure you really chew your food so that your stomach doesnt have to do as much work to churn up the food.

In the end get yourself to the doctors and get help to sort out the physical problem and then it will be easier to help you if you still have a food problem.

Best of luck, feel free to message me at any time :-)


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