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A Shakey Mess


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I've had 3 different girls I tried to get to know for dating and I was talking to them all. One told me I was too weird never contact her again. Another told me I was great but suddenly told me she just wanted to be friends then quit talking to me completely. The third told me she wanted me to help her move and it turned out she needed help packing her whole house as well and she also wanted me to help her fix her car which would have been me taking apart the whole engine to rebuild it. When I didn't help her move or fix her car she just quit returning my phone calls. I feel like shit. I know I didn't let them walk all over me but maybe I should have? At least I'd have someone.

Also my neighbor is at it again. She complains about every move I make living upstairs from her. I've heard from her I sweep my carpet too early in day,I run my water it gurgles in her sink,I plop down when I sit on my couch,I slam my toilet seat,I slam my screen door,I sound like I'm wrestling. She told another neighbor that our 100 year old neighbor always yells for her from upstairs because I refuse to answer my door when she knocks on it. Well first of all when I'm sleeping I can't hear anything but my fan I use to sleep to. Second when I am awake and she knocks on my door or wall I do answer most the time but when I get over there she want to give me some free food and nothings wrong. Sometimes I busy and I can't answer her knock. She's awesome but I just can't be there for her every time.

My 100 year old neighbor who lives next to me said to me I was so quiet and my downstairs neighbor replied not if you live under him!

I do every thing I can to be quiet and I help out my 100 yr old neighbor when I can so why does my downstairs neighbor act like this to me? I've been shaking and a mess for days now and I even talked about moving. I just don't know what to do between women who don't like me and my downstairs neighbor's complaining?

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hi chorse

gosh some people just love to moan, don't they im not meaning you i am meaning your neighbour down stairs, thing is you can't go around walking like you are walking on egg shells it is your home and there will be some degree of noise.

and your 100 yr old aaaaaawwwww, you are so kind but it is not your resposibility to look after him/her.... you answer them when you have time thats good enough really,

i can't say really about the girl/ladys other then you are right again don't be there door matt!

im sorry that is going on with these girls,

i have lived somewhere not quite like this but i had a neighbour who would never stop complaining about noise the thing is we can give ourselfs enough stress as it is without worrying about the noise we are making if you have to sit then sit its your flat!

its reasonable noise, you are not being unreasonable here you are doing as much as you can if not more on the noise front you need to live hun and that means making a little noise..... (((hugs)))

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