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Anyone Else Dislike The Really Long Days?


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This prolly sounds really grumpy and old fartie, but I really hate how long the days are right now - especially up here in scotland. There is light from like 3am til around 11.30pm, and I swear its screwing with my mood a bit. I have started pulling the curtains at 7pm and turning on lights instead, as they seem less .. invasive. I dont know what it is, but its been feeling like I havent seen dark for a while and its bothering me (I need to go to bed about 10pm to get good enough sleep). Over the weekend, not seeing dark made me feel like the whole weekend was one long day. Cant imagine what its like in alaska and places like that when its light all the time, makes me think of that movie, Insomnia :(

Anyone else who is waiting for the longest day of the year so they start getting shorter again?

EDIT: Longest day is tomorrow! WHOOOOOO!!

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I am not a fan of the long days either. Much prefer the long nights snuggled on the sofa with Candles and a good movie.

Always feel I should be doing something productive when it is daylight.

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I am not a fan of the long days either. Much prefer the long nights snuggled on the sofa with Candles and a good movie.

Always feel I should be doing something productive when it is daylight.

Yes thats true too, memories of being little and being told you should be out having fun and all that :( Snurgle Mc Sofa Loaf is a good way :lol:

:sofa: :inlove3:

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I do love the long days of summer, but I am not as far north, however summer brightness of the early mornings really disturbs my sleep and I find myself mood from the early day part rather than the late nights.

Since your internal clock will wake with a certain level of brightness, all I can think is it must be black out shades or exhaustion in the far reaches of the north. Being in a high desert climate means I get extreme bright sunny days, even in winter, not much cloud cover at this altitude. Dawn does not happen slowly, when you are in the mountains, the sun rises over the mountains and it turns instant day, like in cartoons. Any mountains in Aberdeen, or do you have the long slow light?

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I do love the long days of summer, but I am not as far north, however summer brightness of the early mornings really disturbs my sleep and I find myself mood from the early day part rather than the late nights.

Since your internal clock will wake with a certain level of brightness, all I can think is it must be black out shades or exhaustion in the far reaches of the north. Being in a high desert climate means I get extreme bright sunny days, even in winter, not much cloud cover at this altitude. Dawn does not happen slowly, when you are in the mountains, the sun rises over the mountains and it turns instant day, like in cartoons. Any mountains in Aberdeen, or do you have the long slow light?

Ooooo exotic :) Didnt know you were a desert girl, and mountains too **goes all misty** :inlove3:

There are some hill-type things out in the country, not much in the town. Its just loooooooooooooong days of the boring normal variety. Have got a blind and curtains, alas not a black out blind. Would like one, but the combo I have aint bad. Maybe when I have some money I might get one, but as its a rental will prolly not.

So where on earth do you live? I have this image of you wearing a cowboy hat and sherrifs duster coat, with a lever action rifle on your back, taking down bad guys :)

Also, I need to get out more.

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I do love the long days of summer, but I am not as far north, however summer brightness of the early mornings really disturbs my sleep and I find myself mood from the early day part rather than the late nights.

Since your internal clock will wake with a certain level of brightness, all I can think is it must be black out shades or exhaustion in the far reaches of the north. Being in a high desert climate means I get extreme bright sunny days, even in winter, not much cloud cover at this altitude. Dawn does not happen slowly, when you are in the mountains, the sun rises over the mountains and it turns instant day, like in cartoons. Any mountains in Aberdeen, or do you have the long slow light?

Ooooo exotic :) Didnt know you were a desert girl, and mountains too **goes all misty** :inlove3:

There are some hill-type things out in the country, not much in the town. Its just loooooooooooooong days of the boring normal variety. Have got a blind and curtains, alas not a black out blind. Would like one, but the combo I have aint bad. Maybe when I have some money I might get one, but as its a rental will prolly not.

So where on earth do you live? I have this image of you wearing a cowboy hat and sherrifs duster coat, with a lever action rifle on your back, taking down bad guys :)

Also, I need to get out more.

This is my city, it is a bit exotic in its own way, especially from your side of the world. You don't have to travel far to get the next kind of thing [pic] going on. I am actually Native American, so I will be on the Indians side rather than the cowboys IRL, lol.

Blurb: The climate of Salt Lake City is widely-variable from season to season. It's very dry, averaging from 14-20 inches (350-500 mm) of precipitation per year, much of which falls as snow, which averages from 50-80 inches (125-200 cm) per year. The wide variation is due to the huge elevation changes within the city; the lower amounts are the averages on the valley floor. Summers are hot, long, and particularly dry, while winters are cold and snowy.

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I never knew that precipitation reports could be sexy lol :wub::lol: Looks lovely there, also which wigwam is your one? Are those Tv aerials poking out the top, can you get the History Channel? I need mah warrrrr

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Mines the one with the blue top, couldn't you tell? Its all wireless these days so the lodgepoles don't have to do double duty of communication and structural support anymore. Sexy weather reports now you are making me blush :blush: I've now got this mental image of me doing a weather report eeeeekkk hahahaha!

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AAAAAUUUUUURRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH......please someone/anyone/everyone send me all the light you don't want or need & all the warmth you'd rather not have....I am freezing! I am on the other side of the world to most of you (i think) & it is winter here. Today is the shortest day of our year, hate it, despise it. Makes me utterly depressed. Cold, dark, damp & miserable!!!! I have recently moved south, which here always & can only mean 'colder', I miss the sunshine & warmth of 'home', I miss the long bright days & the heat of summer... :( I also miss the sultry humidity & the awesome build up to a summer storm...do not like at all the almost constant damp, depressing, drizzling rain here. Never warms up enough or dries out enough for me. Again...AAAUUUURRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Sorry couldn't help myself, simply cannot bare to hear anyone complain of too much light or heat. Summer is the best!! Cant wait!! ( You will probably think I am mad...that's Aussies for you, I think I would die over there...anywhere that is colder than here, simply could not tolerate it. I think even our winters are probably far warmer than most summers over there! Give me 30+ degree (celcius)days, every day all day!! 40 even. Never want to be below 28deg. anyway.....anything below that is cold, cold COLD!!!)

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Oh & as for the light...I long for the days when the sun is up by 4:30am & stays bright 'til at least 8pm,Would love to have more myself. I love to wake up early, with the birds & to sit outside in the WARMTH with my morning cuppa.....I'm not sure I will make it 'til summer... :unsure:

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((aww bluehairedgirl)) here's a little handful of warm air, long days and sunshine :bigarmhug[1]:

A dream:

hummm_mabbee flying over the sharp Rockies into Salt Lake

omg sweetness for ev er ((take badkitten with)) and have tea with Sah

((why the fuck am I not a millionfuckingaire))

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I would love to have you all drop by for a spot of tea in the mountains. I know a few cool spots, some waterfalls about in the canyons.

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I'm afraid I'm the other way around, would love to live somewhere that is light all the time. Darkness and cold play havoc with my MH, hate it, hate it ,hate it. Want and need sunshine and light. xxx

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Sah - yeah OMG I cant believe I didnt spot the blue topped wigwam, I iz a numpty :ashamed0005: Weather reports are hypnosis, every time you watch one you hear the first three words, and then *pop* you are staring blankly at a screen with just sound, not words, reaching your ears. And dribbling a bit :lol:mumble mumble mumble cold front .... mumble mumble mumble moving in off the coast .... mumble mumble mumble umbrell.. OH MY GOD I HAVE FORGOTTEN THE NUMBER THREE


Blue - ah yeah the pains of living on a ball-shaped rock and circling a big burney thing in space eh, you guys are getting all the snow and dark bits whilst your northern cousins are all roasty. Boooo also to too much dark! Balance, balance I say! I would agree with wanting it dark by 8, that would be lovely.

Toocrazy - I dunno what to say to that really lol. Flying is cool, I have lots of dreams about that. That and plummeting, but I sometimes like those ones because it feels like skydiving :)

Rosey tootle - yeah I spose its horses for courses innit, dark times can be just as depressing :(

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Well I think I can understand it some because I love listening to the shipping forecast on the BBC, it just lulls and soothes me, I checked out a new atlas the library so I could locate all the regions I was getting so use to hearing to. I even recorded sailing by and put it on my phone for the ring tone for awhile.

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Well I think I can understand it some because I love listening to the shipping forecast on the BBC, it just lulls and soothes me, I checked out a new atlas the library so I could locate all the regions I was getting so use to hearing to. I even recorded sailing by and put it on my phone for the ring tone for awhile.

In that case, Pressies for youuuuuuuuu

"The French artist Xavier Veilhan has completed work on a wild new sea craft, aptly named Blue Boat. The Blue Boat is about as blue as it gets, covered in blue paint and upholstery from bow to stern, starboard to port. Every inch of Blue Boat is light blue in color, save for the dials that rest behind its steering wheel. Veilhan calls it a “monochrome nautical sculpture”, very much in line with his perspective as a sculptor and installation artist."



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OMG I am in love with my new boat! Where is my blue thread you started, I will add it to my collection. This is so cool how did you stumble across this? Did you Google it or do you have a panache for modern art that I have somehow missed?

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Lol well now I feel like I have to impress you and pretend that yes indeed, I am a modern art aficianado type person thing, but alas I just googled "blue boat" and clicked "images" :ashamed0005: I do have a small aesthetic appreciation streak though, and did Art A Level (High school exams) :lol:

Glad you like it, you can buy the real thing for $275,000 :) Brum brum splashhhhh

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