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Photo Tag Left Me Triggered


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Not sure where to put this. I was feel absolutely fine until I got a message that someone had tagged a photo of me on facebook. So I thought I better check it. Am mortified I look like a two ton hefer with rolls of fat. It just made me want to cry considering everyone else was stick thin. I removed the photo. It's upset me so much I know it's stupid I've been trying really hard to lose weight I exercise nearly every day and eat very little. I count everything that goes in my mouth so far I'm losing every week I won't say how much but I don't think it's enough. Up until now I was quite proud of myself for being so disciplined with my exercise now I just feel its not enough maybe I should cut my intake even more although I won't mention numbers because I know that can be very triggering for some but my calories would be very very low then. The only way I've been managing to at anyway is to see food as fuel and medicine because i have no interest in it anyway, you'd think I'd be bones but I'm not I'm lard it's horrid now I'm really tempted to scrap the fuel part even though I know that could be damaging.

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If you are losing a pound a week, you are doing really well. Don't eat less food or you will make your metabolism go into survival mode: you'll lose muscle and store more fat. Just keep on keeping on! I reward myself with foil stars on the calendar whenever I exercise and abstain from drinking. Can you think of something you can reward yourself with? $5/day for not drinking is highly motivating for me. Please be kind to yourself and love your body!

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I can really sympathise with how you are feeling. I dont need to lecture you cos im sure you know everything anyway. I just wanted to say that, I am also losing weight, maybe not as quickly as i could if i did negative things, but losing all the same. I dunno, I guess I just wanted to say, that it can be done, and still eat loads, mehh I dont wanna sound preachy. If you wanna know how I do mine, and still eat, message me, I do understand how hard it is, I slipped meself this week, and binged :| wanst impressed with myself. Let me know if you ever wanna chat about it, pm or in chat room. take care hun. Sorry this is typed messy im on me phone xx

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There is a program on www.hayhouseradio.com called "spirituality and weight loss" if you are into that sort of thing :)

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I had a similar experience with facebook. I was shocked to find pictures of myself, I have asked for the person to remove them but they haven't. Losing weight slowly is far better and more likely to stay off in the longer term.

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Hey guys thanks for the repies I've got over myself a bit now, initial shock I guess I do hate being in pics. I am trying to reward myself bought myself some lippy this week. Mainly my reward system is. First goal above and beyond all others is not to drink so if that means the odd biscuit ok I won't guilt myself. To not feel so guilty about the biscuit I'll do some exercise losing weight is my second target. I'm aware my perception of food is completely warped I've had a slice of melon, a banana and 1/2 a slice of cheese today. One part of me know s this is not a great deal the other half is screaming about the fat content in the cheese. I will probably have something later infront of the kids so I don't seem odd but know if I can get away with fruit or salad I will. I don't know how I got so messed up with food I can't even remember what a healthy amount is anymore I tell myself one thing and end up doing another, I even look at the sugar content in juice now. I have no idea how to become less obsessed. It's like a dirty secret my H doesn't know I try and keep it hidden from other people It's like my drinking has taken on a whole dimension and has changed into food. F sake why can't I just do thngs normally? Thank you Pie, Cats and Lucy your essages mean a lot to me xxx Bumble

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I don't think you have eaten enough. I am not feeling well as I think I have a virus and my appetite isn't normal and I have eaten far more than you today. When I diet I don't eat butter or butter type spread, cheese, biscuits, chocolate, bread limited to 2 slices per day. As much fruit as I want and plenty of protein, meat and fish, not so much carbs. I am probably talking rubbish as I don't feel well but I don't think you have had enough to eat and you might be better to have a biscuit or 2.

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So sorry you got badly triggered on fb we don't put pictures up on fb and I would be scared of this happening to me too. I'm glad you are starting to get over it a bit and I hope you can manage to keep eating healthily as it can affect the mind too if we eat too little (((((((((((((((((((bumble))))))))))))))))))) xxx

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Sometimes you can't trust your own judgement f weight and stuff like that, you have to look at other measures. Like your BMI? If that says you aren't overweight then that is what you need to focus on and tell yourself. You will probably never, ever feel thin enough, no matter what weight you are. :bigarmhug[1]:

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