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I'm a 16 year old male, I suffer from sever chronic pain in one of my shoulders, doctors have no idea why at the moment. I've been exempted from school for the year to hopefully get my shoulder fixed, I've been on strong narcotics for pain relief (last one was Oxycodone, which I have stopped taking because it didn't help), and now I've pretty much given up on finding an answer and having a normal life. I barely sleep, I'm depressed, all I do is lie in bed in pain. Suicide is a common thought for me. There's a lot more to my story, but I can't be bothered typing it out right now, ask me if you want to know anything more than what I've typed here. I guess I'm looking for someone to talk to on this forum, I'd appreciate it if at least one person would reply to this.

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Constant pain must be awful in my life luckily I have only suffered passing physical pain, which is very different from emotional pain. Have you seen your GP about the pain and your mood? Also do your parents know?

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Thank you for the reply, and sorry if I sound like a dick, but I clearly wrote I have been to many doctors and been exempted from school. So quite obviously I've seen my GP and my parents know.

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You don't sound like a dick :lol: I was meaning have you seen the doctor about your mood and the depression? Obviously you had seen a doctor to get the painkillers. I am wondering is there no other pain relief they can offer? This seems quite bad for you to be left this way.

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There literally isn't a stronger pain killer a doctor can prescribe short of a morphine injection, and that isn't really an option. These days to deal with it I smoke a lot of Marijuana, but it hardly helps any more. And as for the depression, it's only there because of my pain. So there isn't much point trying to get something to treat it. Plus I was put on anti-depressants last year when most doctors thought my pain was all in my head. They didn't help then, so I doubt they'd help now.

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Have you thought about therapy? I know this is all due to physical pain but physical pain can cause emotional ill health. You sound asthough your life is quite solitary and lack of stimulus is also another thing that can cause depression.

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I do indeed lead a solitary life, partly because of my pain, and partly because I like to spend a lot of time by myself. And yeah I definitely am suffering emotionally because of my physical pain, but there's nothing therapy could help. There's nothing to talk about really, I'm in pain, so I feel depressed. There isn't much more too it.

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Hiya & welcome,.

Did yr drs try Cymbalta?

Reason- I was in bad pain for a few mths in 09, back & neck/shoulders/knees & drs though it might be fibro. But because i am an addict they were reluctant to prescribe me morphine.

Could not lift my arms , could not get dressed , it was fucking terrible.

Long story short i got cymbalta, a Snri that within 2 days (of feelin like shite) my pain was gone when i woke up the 3rd morning.

Since then i have come off it, but the pain never returned.

With depression and pain its a vicious circle.

I don't like 'recommending' medications (as i'm coming off all meds myself atm), and i honestly think antidepressants dont work (for me) but i know that cymbalta/ duloxitine is given as an 'off-label' use for chronic pain.

I believe neurontin/gabapentin/lyrica all work for pain and help with depression, tho i can only say i have tried the cymbalta.

Best wishes, anne marie

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My doctors haven't tried that Cymbalta, however at this stage I'm not looking for meds to cover up the pain, only for the actual cause of it all. Also I just read a bit about Cymbalta, and it sounds like it is just an anti depressant, not a pain reliever. So it is definitely not something I want to take.

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amitryptiline is technically an anti-depressant, but because of the way it works on the brain's chemistry it can also be used in low doses for analgesia (pain relief) as it can help to relax you. it might be the same case with cymbalta.

another example of a drug useful for something completely different to its intended use is sodium valproate as a mood stabiliser. it's licensed use is for epilepsy...

hope this clarifies things for you,


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I was put on amitriptiline last year, it didn't help. And as I've already said I don't want or need anything to "stabilize my mood". Because I'm only in shitty moods because of my pain. So please no one else post anything about drugs I might not have tried or anything like that.

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I understand ur depression is a sideeffect of ur pain. But it is also well documented that a side effect of some psyche meds are that they lessen pain. This is why these people were talkin bout it. Ultimately it comes down to u so try not to get offended.

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i was using the mood stabiliser as an example of how a drug used for one thing can help for something completely different. valproate was actually something suggested to me as a mood stabiliser, but when i researched it, everything said it was an anti-convulsant. that was my point, not that you need a mood stabiliser!

we are all trying to help you so please don't get aggressive with us, because that's how the reply came across to me, not sure if it was intended to come across that way or not though, just really sensitive to outside stimuli at the moment.

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Fuck it, joining this forum was a stupid idea. I don't want to read a bunch of shit from random people asking whether I've tried different drugs or not. Oh and if I seem aggressive, it's probably because you've all managed to piss me off.

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I think you need to know what you want from this forum. People have tried suggesting medications, doctors but you have an answer, already tried, don't want that etc. If you want to make friends then maybe reply and try and help some people out here or perhaps take advantage of older peoples experience in life.

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hi Riley, nice to talk to you again :)

I have had problems with pain too, it can effect your mood a lot. Its so hard to do anything and when you have an injured shoulder you realise how much you use shoulders everyday without realising it. you've probably tried what i use, which is codeine and sometimes things like deep heat and painkiller gels.

have you had an xray? maybe that seems like a stupid question but i have heard of people with injured shoulders who didnt get an xray for months or even years (the doctor always said they didnt need one) but finally they insisted and the xray showed they'd had a bad injury. so if there are any options you havent looked at, even if the doctor says its not worth it, maybe it is worth trying to get them to check it anyway.

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Yes I've had an X-ray, in fact I've had several. As well as multiple CTs, MRIs, had a doctor look with ultrasound a few times, even had a bone scan for which that had to inject me with slightly radioactive isotopes. So there really isn't a scan I haven't had done. Also yeah I have tried codeine and heat/ice packs etc, I've also had painkillers a lot stronger than codeine which don't help either.


Thanks for understanding.

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I do understand how you feel Riley.

I had a bad work accident 6 years ago. My back is always painfull, i was on morphine and valium the last years I took medication for it.

Now I've stopped everything, mostly due to addiction to drugs. Except those new pills for my BPD.

Sometimes it's very hard for me not to complain about my pain, do stuff that I usually do each day like chores or even taking a shower.. even if I know that it will help me.

I agree at people who said that sometimes the pain can affect the mood..and depression feelings. And vice versa can be true also.

The thing that helped me the most are alternative medicine, like osteopathy. There's osteopathy that can affect the mood and the brain also.. without any drugs.

At first I didn't trust that much.. but with everything I've tried, I took a chance. And for me it worked. Pretty much in fact.

Maybe this would help you?

Even with the pain, you have to talk to yourself, I know it's very hard sometimes, but talk to yourself. I trust a lot on self improve, if I can say that.

Someone was talking about attitude in another post, I think it's very effective in fact to get a good attitude, even if you're in the most deadly pain ever.

It helped me to stay alive since that bad accident, helped me to trust myself and to go on in my life. Even in the bad moments, even with pain..

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Hello :)

I suffer from chronic stomach pains, and the doctors have no idea what it is either.

I'm not suicidal or depressed because of it though.

I guess I'm of no help, but if you ever want to talk to someone, I'm here.

I'm 17 by the way :)


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I've tried alternative medicine as well, didn't work at all. And with the whole mood thing, I agree that a positive attitude can help a lot of things. Unfortunately a positive attitude isn't something I have, and at this stage if I felt I could have one I'd be kidding myself.


Thanks for commenting, I'm glad you don't feel depressed or suicidal. It's pretty hard for me not to feel those things though.

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