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I Am Getting Fat Again


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I wastold by my Therapist and sort of by my Dr that I have disorganised eating and an eating disorder of some other kind but not anorexia or bulimia. I have been doing much better recently with both my eating and my mental health as a whole. I have been eating at least one meal a day, rahter then just snacking and trying to eat healthily. Mainly its due to being bored and at home with nothing to do.

Anyway I weighed myself today and I am disugsted with the weight I have put on. I know rationally that I needed to put some weight on and my friends have been telling me that I am looking healither and better then I was but I just hate that I have put on the weight and now I want to severly restrict myself so that I can lose the weight again.

I feel so fat and disgusting, I am going out for my firends birthday on Saturdayand it is themed to be cocktail dresses and I had brought a dress ages ago but when I put it on all I could see was lumps and bumps in all the wrong places and I looked really ugly and crap.

Sorry I don't know wehy I am posting, i just needed to get this out of my system. :(

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Hello i bet you look lovely in your dress i know that want help you telling you that. Do you think if you hadnt weighed yourself you woild be thinking like this did you feel like you had put weight on what im trying to say is sometimes ignorance is bliss and seeing a number can make you feel bad although you shouldnt feel bad at all!!! I did the same weighed myself now im frealing out everyone had said oh you have lost more weight but i haven. I was anorexic then developed bullimia i now have periods so am not classed as anorexic and very rarely vomitt but ive still bern told i have a problem i count calories over exercise and am obsessed it does take over my life. Anyway i think your doing really good with the one meal a day if you can keep going and fight your thoughts and the issue with numbers you see you might be able to come out of the fog just think how amazing it would feel to accept yourself and not have to think like this. I hope you look after yourself and let yoursrlf have a great time at the party believe you look great. Much luv please dont beat yourself up about this xxxxx

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I found and Ive heard this from others it can help to see yourself in a picture,somehow it can help to see yourself as you really are.

Also you could take a piece of string and guess what size your belly all around is then compare that to what it really is by putting the string around you. You might be surprised.........because your view is probably distorted these things can help a little.


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