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How Many Drink Alcohol?


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I am wondering how many of you out there drink alcohol? It seems like I have a problem, but am not quite sure. I drink, but not too excess. I don't like getting "drunk" but like to drink. I come home from work and have a malt beer or liquor drink and stop drinking by 8pm. Is that a problem? Am I losing it? Please share your thoughts. I am going crazy with this issue. My biological dad was an alcoholic and committed suicide. His side of the family has alcohol abuse problems. My biological mother's side has mental health issues. I have BPD. Between both I just know I am going to die a BPD alcoholic......Does anyone else have this going on? I don't know if I need help or not. It seems I am high functioning BPD if that makes sense. I have a job, a good marriage, two great step-kids that we just got custody of. No one knows I have BPD but my husband now....not even my brothers. I am lonely all the time and it has nothing to do with my husband. It is me and how I feel. Is that the BPD talking. How did I go from drinking to BPD...I'm rambling. Sorry. Thoughts appreciated.

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(((hugs))) I am a much lower functioning person than you with previous addictions to drugs and although I don't think of myself as ever being an alcoholic there were times I would drink all day just to get wasted.

I probably drink about 3 times a week now, like you I don't get drunk, and the drink (usually rose wine and lemonade) is consumed between the kids being in bed and when I eat my dinner, I drink water or diet coke with my meal.

It doesn't sound to me you have an issue, maybe try without them for a few weeks and see how you feel?

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That's the problem catseyes. I crave alcohol when I get home. Is it a habit now or is it a problem. I drink every day, but only two to three drinks.

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Sorry hun I missed that bit.

When you say crave, how does that feel? Is it the relaxation? Or the sugar? I do find if I am tired and low I crave sugar and wine is full of sugar, if I eat a few biscuits the craving goes.

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I don't drink, But I do drink too??? I know that makes no sense, Erm I stopped drinking for over a year, Because I had too, It got too bad for me, As it went from one bottle of wine making me so drunk than it got to 3 bottles and I would get in a right mess, Plus before I used to drink half a bottle of rum each night, So I could get to sleep...

I do drink every now and than at the moment, I crave and crave to buy wine and get so drunk and block it all out of my head for the night, But I cannot, Because I cannot let myself go down that way as my mum is an alcoholic, She doesn't drink at the moment ( Well she'll have the odd one and it like months apart... ) ...

You say you have two or three drinks a night??? Some people will say that is not a problem because they do it too, But other people will say it is the start of maybe going down that road and drinking more and more each night... Are you only drinking each night so you can relax after work??? Or drinking to get out of your head, Kinda thing??? ... Do YOU think it is a problem??? Could you handly not having a drink one evening when you get back in??? ...

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My mum's an alcoholic (in recovery at the moment...), and I'm always conscious that I could so easily go that way myself.

Saying that, I do drink... I've just been started on Mirtazapine, and that coupled with Quetiapine + alcohol = complete disaster, for me at least, so I've massively cut down the amount I drink.

I tend to not drink for months and months, and then go through periods where I have one or two drinks pretty much every night for a few weeks, then usually end up with 3/4 days where I go from absolutely wrecked, to disgustingly hungover, back to absolutely wrecked, on and on.....have a bit of a shock and think "shit. i need to stop this now, or i'll end up like her" (my mum) and so i don't drink for ages again.

I dunno if I have a problem with it... I think I can be dependent on it, but I do have the control to say "enough is enough"....eventually, lol!


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alcohol in moderation is fine, but i'm concerned at the fact that you say you crave a drink. is there a specific time? after something stressful has happened, maybe?

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Thanks for the responses. I'm not sure why I crave. Is it because it is cold and quenches my thirst or because of the sugar in it? Could be. I just can't wait to get home to have one is all I know. I can't give it up. I've tried to go without and I just can't. That's what makes me think I may have a problem. I drink ice cold water at work and when I get home I've tried sticking to water, but it is just not the same. Is it habit? So hard to self diagnose.....

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habitual drinking can soon take over especially if you look at the reasons why u r needing to drink in the 1st place.

be careful and keep an eye on your intake, it can soon get out of control if you let it

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