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hi guys, don't realy know much about this site, but thought id give it a try. ive been suffering from depression for many years, but over the past few months ive seem to have rock bottomed and cant see a positive future, would be nice to talk to like minded people


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welcome to the site :) Many people will be able to relate in your thoughts,Take a look around and post when you feel ready.xx

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Hi welcome to the site :)

This is a site to help people with mental health problems, i think nearly all the members are people with mental health problems but there are also a few people who care for ppl with mental health problems. we all post about how we are doing, the good as well as the bad, whatever we want to talk about really and other members support us and give us advice. Its really lovely, its like making a whole new group of friends but a group where theres always space for new people.

I'm sorry youve been feeling like that but you are right that talking to like minded people can really help, youll find lots of those here.

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Hi, just like you. Rock bottom at the minute and struggling with life. Just joined this site myself and do find it really good to be able to let off steam somewhere without the guilt of having your loved ones worry about you. It's nice to have people who know what you are going through

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thanx guys, just so hard at the mo, split up with my girlfriend a month ago, i know it seem cleshay, but it was a deficient trigger (not corse) to the way im feeling, i realy cant see a future, and to be honest, for as long as i can think back, i never have. i realy dont know what to do, im so tired

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Hi Tommy Kitten

I too am new to this site and have also suffered with depression for some time.

There must be some wee spark of light in us yet. We`re still here eh! :competitive:

From Katz

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indeed we are sill here, its just relay hard to deal with sometimes, this illness consumes me and my life, will it ever stop. this is the most down ive ever been, my thoughts have turned to a dark place that i never ever thought i would go, i cant go on like this

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hi stevpee, i know its so hard, were do we go from here?, will time heal all? doesn't seem like it at the mo, im drinking alot at the moment, which i no inter fears with my medication but when im drunk for a tiny moment, i can forget i can forget about life

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I have just stopped drinking last week. It made things worse. It makes things seem better at the time and im finding it hard not to drink. I hope time will heal, Im in exactly the same frame of mind.....I keep trying to tell myself that the negative thoughts are irrational...the problem is I don't beleive they are irrational, and i beleive that I've messed up my life. I keep trying to tell myself other wise, but it is hard to beleive. What medication do you take? I also feel like I'm the only person in the world who feels this way, even though you have exactly the same situation, and many more probably do.

This is the lowest I have ever been in my life. My head is in a dark place. There has to be a way forward...I am searching and waiting for an answer. I think the doctors is the only way forward...some therapy to alter my dark thoughts. I cant do this alone this time.

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hey stevepee, its relay hard times, drinking is possibly the only thing that is helping at the mo, i know it makes me feel worse but, for a few hours i can feel 'normal' again. i take 60mg of citalopram a day and 20 more if im feeling relay bad, it does help but not enough, ive been to councilors but its still hard to talk to someone who has never been though what you have and thats why im talking on here i spose, last resort. i just hope that someday soon i can feel better, i cant live like this. but if i were you i would deffo go to the doctors, although they cant cure everything, it helps alot. its also nice to talk to people like yourself who know what im feeling, although we think were alone were not

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I would be a hyprocrite If i said you should stop drinking...as today I drank as well. I gave into temptation, just for some short term relief. How much do you drink and how often? I do believe that in time things will get better...but at the moment I cannot see how they can for me. I suppose that is irrational

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Tommykitten and Stevepee

You poor guys. There is many of us in this world suffering with so much pain within. Anything injured or sore on the outside is so much easier to see and heal. But what is on the inside is a lot harder to see. So takes longer to heal. And those of us with that problem don`t know there is help out there for us. Its not made known... Like the A&E in a hospitals. The AA etc... And counselling in the UK is very short lived.

Like you I`m glad I found this site. More glad than people around me could ever know.

Take care :-) Katz

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relay bad weekend, drank thurs and fri for release, now feeling like utter shit, i just cant stop crying (i very rarely cry), cant see this ever ending. although im not, i feel so alone, loneliness is killing me. my body is slowly giving up, im so tired i just want to go to sleep :(

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hey hun... sorry you are struggling - maybe try and post this stuff in the bad day forum rather than here and you may get some more replies and help and support and stuff xx

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