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Mirt, Quet & Fluox.. Interactions Q, Help Plzzz?


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So, i've just got back from the pdoc not that long ago, was initially to request a medication change, but instead, i've been kept on current medication - a Quetiapine 200mg tablet and a Seroquel XL 50mg tablet, Mirtazapine 30mg. I take these on the evening. Along with Levothyroxine 25mg on the morning as I have an underactive thyroid, Diazepam 5mg as a prn medication, and the odd ibuprofen.

I've just been put on Fluoxetine 20mg, to take alongside the other meds.

I'm a little worried about possible interactions though... Has anyone been on a similar combination, or does anyone know anything about these meds when taken together?

I usually use a drug interaction checker online whenever I start new medication, but it's not working, and I can't find another one, and don't really know which sites to trust to search another way about them...

All I can gather is that if you take diaz, fluox should be avoided, and that there's a risk with fluox and mirt over serotonin levels that can cause serotonin syndrome (though I know that's rare), and something to do with QTc intervals (??????????) with the interaction between quet and fluox.

I'm a little bit worried, to say the least!

Any light anyone could shed on this would be greatly appreciated!!!



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sorry, no idea, i did have a BNF but no idea where t'is...

if u cant find the answers here or if you have a late night chemist maybe yuo could ask a pharmacist if u have a friendly one... they should help you...


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I'm not on this combination but have used a drug interaction checker - don't know if it's one you trust - but I put all your drugs in and this is what it came up with


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hey dont know if this reassuring or not, but the meds i am on, on the checker interact, but when i asked pdoc, he said its ok, and its more in cases of an od, or misuse it could be dangerous. I have been on mine properly for a year and not had any probs,

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awrr, fankyouuuuu!! :)

I've just rang the chemist at Tescos and asked them, as it's too far for me to go and all the local chemists close at 5. They were useless!! but oh well. xxxxx

Cats, thankyou for the link, that's really helpful. Got me worrying, though!! But I think I'll give the pdoc a ring in the morning and say that I'm not comfortable taking the fluox again (was on it a while ago for a wee while) until i've discussed a few concerns with her, so would she be able to ring me? And just hope that she doesn't ring me when i'm at the unit, as dunno if i'm allowed to take calls or not. xxxxx

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Hiya Pie,

that is actually reassuring, thankyou hunni. Guess I need to properly behave myself with these.... *feels the pressure*

thankyou hun xx

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ooooh, that is a good idea! ...think will call at my auntie's to use her landline for that, though.... calling nhs direct from a mobile... *shudder* !!!! :P

god, I can't wait til i get home broadband and a landline sorted out. I hate only having my mobile and crappy mobile broadband. Gwarghhh! not long now though, as just need a new freezer and everything else is pretty much sorted.

thankyou hun


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Didn't mean to worry you sweets - I think what they have put is things that are to be aware of and not everybody will get the same reaction. But, yeah, get all the info that you can so that you feel comfortable taking them. xxxx

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Spoke to the chemist today when I went to collect my meds, she took me into a side room to have a proper discussion, bless her. Got me a drink of juice and helped me to calm down, as had gone straight there from the day unit, and was feeling pretty raw and triggered and was panicking a bit. She said if she got a pound for every customer who's come in there worried after being put on a script, told nothing about it other than to take it, by their pdoc, and then found out stuff that's got them panicking, she would be a very rich woman indeed.

She was angry with the pdoc for not explaining to me the risks associated, even if they are rare, and was really sympathetic to how upset I was by it. She explained them to me, and I think i'm feeling more comfortable about taking them now.

She said "i'm guessing that you suffer with anxiety? And, you're on anti-depressants, an anti-psychotic, and we're waiting for a benzo prescription for you... Can I ask - you don't need to say, of course! - but, do you have more complex issues that depression and anx, and the ED we discussed before?" And I told her I had BPD, and started to explain a bit about it and she went "no, you don't need to do that hon, my sister has got BPD, so I know a lot about it. I'm also her carer."

We got onto talking about DLA, and she even said that she has a free hour tomorrow and, if I wanted, she could meet me in town at one of the coffee shops, and she would help me fill it in if i was struggling, as she knows sometimes just having someone else there can really help calm you. I thought that was so sweet of her, I nearly cried.

She said to have a think about it, and to phone to chemist before 5 and let her know if i'd like to. She's only a year older than me.


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Wow - what a sweetie the chemist was - you could have a new friend there Crips. Glad you're feeling calmer about the new script xxxx

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Thankyou hunni. Yep, she seemed really, really lovely. I'm now thinking "argh, but she'll only decide she hates me anyway, so i best not bother." but, i guess she already knows the one thing that sends most people running when they find out, right??


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