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Better Day


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So, although I am still not feeling 100% fab, given what happened yesterday (I cant believe people would stoop so low as to play a mind game), I have accepted it, and been listening to Aaliyahs "Try Again" song (singer who sadly died a few years ago in an accident). The bit that goes over in my head particularly is "If at first you dont succeed (first you dont succeed), You can dust it off and try again. You can dust it off and try again, try again, try again". In other words continue where I left off.

I am arranging to meet one of my friends from work for coffee later in the week (male, but he is another I trust alot, nice guy), and I have just spoken to my cousin on the phone just now who was wanting to speak to Mum. I laughed and meant it today, as I was able to laugh at myself and what she was saying when we were laughing about the new flat I am going to, my restraint course for work etc. It felt nice to laugh like that.

Also managed to really tackle my room this morning, looking so much better, and found a cute video of "Guinea Pig Revenge" on Youtube, which made me laugh, as the pigs in it are so cute, and the music really fits well. :) For some reason though, my laptop isnt letting me cut and paste which is a bit annoying, but if you type in "Guinea Pig revenge" on Youtube, its the video of the little pigs on the toy truck, awhh. :)

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That's the one Jules :)

Thank you everyone. I have asked my doctor if I can go back to 20mg Fluoxitine for the time being, especially now its not long til I go back to uni and move into the new flat, and want to be calm setting up the Broadband and other bills etc x

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