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Citalopram I.e. Ciprexa


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I was on it for about 5-6 years, it did help, but I had to change to something else that would also help me sleep.

10mg is the lowest dose that they start you off on. It will probably take about 2 weeks to kick in , and at first you may even find yourself feeling a bit more depressed, but dont worry too much if you can, this is very common, just let your GP know and they should tell you the same and keep an eye on it.

hope it works out for you, It may take a little while for them to get the dose right for you, but stick with it,. I think the max is 60mg, but I doubt very much if the give you that much.

take care

marc x

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i was on that... well i still am i think? im not sure, i ran out a while ago haha

at first i didnt feel any different, but i hardly ate, but drank like 3 litres of water a day and my mouth was still soo dry

also i was sort of numb, sort of not really feeling much- i didnt feel down as much, but when i did it was a real slap in the face...

i hope you feel better soon xxx

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Yes I've taken it twice (20mg) in the past but not for very long (weeks). First time it sent me into overdrive (but at the time I started taking it I wasn't that depressed) and the second time it made me really anxious and desperately suicidal (but by the time I started taking it I was quite depressed and very anxious anyway). It also messed with my sleep. Hope it works for you.

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Hey Elke

I've been on Citalopram for 3 year, started at 10mg, now on 60mg. It worked really well at first but I've been struggling to get my meds changed since they stopped working. As HoneyFLower said everyone reacts slightly differently to meds, once I started on Citalopram I had increased appetite and slept a lot - I still do. Give it about 4 weeks and just note down any side effects - just anything new that didnt happen before and let your doctor know the next time you see them. It might be useful to keep a mood diary to track its effect also. It doesnt have to be anything too detailed, I just mark a smiley face or a sad face on my diary for each day.

Good luck x

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Thanks so much for your input on this. I have had suicidal feelings, but being patient with myself as I was anyway. Just trying not to act on it. I have such a lack of positive emotions - no, actually any emotions at times and that is what I am hoping this med will "fix". I dont know if it is a BPD trait of emptiness. But I hope I will start having some feelings again (besides depression). And a more positive outlook on life. Has that happened or am I hoping in vain...?

I hope this will stabilize me a bit.

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Been on Citalopram for around 5 years, 40mg at the moment but was on 60mg up until around 4 months ago. Makes me have a very dry mouth and to start with I remember it making me feel very sick and putting me off food. Doesnt do it anywhere near as much now but can if I haven't slept enough. You will also want to make sure you take them every day as going without for 24+ hours can give you physical withdrawal, I get a really unpleasant 'electric shock' feeling running through my body that is extremely irritating and uncomfortable. I use it too for BPD (if you're referring to Borderline personality disorder) and I find it definitely stabilizes my moods but sometimes I feel very 'numb'. I find as well that lack of positive emotion, and even when I feel happy it's like an overdose of happiness that I want to cry. Very annoying. Feelings of emptiness can be asymptom of BPD, yes. I wouldn't hold out for it completely fixing your moods but it will certainly make things a little easier to deal with. CBT/DBT is your best friend, and learning to 'ride the waves' of emotions. That said, not every drug works for everyone. I've tried a few different meds, hopefully you wont, but be prepared to. It is worth it when you find one that works for you, and a lot of people seem to be on citalopram.

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I think I´ve run into another wacky, inexperienced Pdoc. Many write here that it rids you of sleep. They put me on Benzos an I am addicted to them and w/o I cant sleep anyway. So this new Pdoc says first she would want the Citalopram to kick in and THEN she wants to detox me off Benzos. I wonder how that will work, if Citalopram gives you problems with sleep. I feel every time I trust another new Pdoc I am just in for more trouble.

Thanks though.

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Hmm, I'm unsure about addiction tbh. I'd say just have a go on them, for me citalopram at the higher dose can make me drowsy but I wouldn't say it's going to target your sleeping problems exactly. Do you do anything physical that might tire you out? Running/jogging etc?

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Somebody has said here already, but different drugs affect different people differently. I have met a couple of people who haven't had sleep problems taking citalopram so you might be ok too. Even if this one doesn't work there are others to try.

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took that for about 5 yrs, and it helped alot. before i didn't do anything because i was too depressed and in bed all day+ crying+ thinking about death. after a month or so i got better, and then i basically became "normal", even went to college...

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I think you've got to see how you take to it - I took it briefly and it didn't agree with me, but I know a lot of people who its worked really well for.

It will take at least 3-4 weeks to kick in fully. 10mg is a small dose - they often use it either to build up slowly or as a dose for anxiety.

See how it goes, and just let your psych know if you don't feel right on it.


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I used to take that, got up to the highest dosage then something didn't agree with me. The doctor then put me on mirtazapine & I'm at 45mg now.

From what i remember when i started Citalopram, I just lost a bit of my appetite but didn't last long, also got very clumbsy/tired etc.

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This makes me anxious. I started on 20 mg today because doc advised it. But actually what I wanted was an A/d that doesnt make you numb and drowsy like some state here. I know someone who is manic-depressive and in her depressive stage she takes citalopram. She is then bursts wilth life and feelings. Not numbness! This is what I hope for from this med. God, the Benzos makes me drowsy anyway. I wanted something to uplift.

This confuses me. Up until now the only effect it has had is that I kind of feel like I am standing next to myself.

I started getting panic attacks about a year ago and I read that it works for panic attacks, which is positive. Also have this fear of leaving the house (alone). Has it helped anyone with panic attacks and agoraphobia?

I do know the cause of the panic attacks. And I know It would be better to try to get help for the cause of them, rather than take a med.


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  • 4 months later...

I've recently started on 20mg of this stuff.

I'm only 5 days in (maybe 4?) and I'm feeling kind of spaced out and sicky.

Sorry you're feeling spaced out and sicky, how are you managing apart from that?

Stick with it, the first couple weeks on meds are usually a bit tricky to navigate but then balance out.


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I've recently started on 20mg of this stuff.

I'm only 5 days in (maybe 4?) and I'm feeling kind of spaced out and sicky.

Sorry you're feeling spaced out and sicky, how are you managing apart from that?

Stick with it, the first couple weeks on meds are usually a bit tricky to navigate but then balance out.


Hi, I'm aware that I won't be making any progress just yet but I'm generally just feeling a bit numb to things I suppose. It's hard to explain. I'm still having me manic and low episodes but I'm feeling more 'who cares' about things. No doubt its just a placebo effect though?


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Hey Steve sorry to hear your not feeling to great! :( As suzy mentioned they should balance out after the first couple of weeks :)

Hope you feel better soon!

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i take 40mg. it has def helped me but you have to be patient, side effects for a couple of weeks, takes 6-8 wks to get proper effect so i would say stick it out for a bit. and it's easier to do "talking therapies" when u are calmer & less likely to panic at the slightest mention of your traumatic stuff!

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