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I Don't Care About The Consequences.


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i know it's dangerous, stupid and just plain wrong but for the last few weeks i have been making myself sick after everything i eat. i don't eat much in the day, just my tea but i force myself to throw up. i looked on the internet what this could be and it says bulemia?.. i know it's stupid but i do it. please don't tell me how wrong it is and that i should stop because i know i should but i can't.i go jogging every day for half an hour to an hour and walk my dog every morning for an hour. i have been unhappy and tried every diet there is. so i'm trying this, so here is the question;

how long will it be before i see weight loss?

please give me an answer to the question and not tell me how bad it is please, i'm begging.

thankyou. ' lovesucks'

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Hi lovesucks

I think you know from what you've written in your post that it isn't good and that despite what it will do to your weight - you could also damage your body sweets and make yourself very poorly.

Please try to speak to someone about this and get some support. xxxx

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Throwing up doesnt make you loose weight mainly fluids but the restricting your doing will and its dangerous you know that so i wont preach. I will tell you this and its not meant to try shock you. I was bullimic for 7yrs i now have problems swallowing digesting and sometimes breathing. The little i do eat causes me pain i have sick rushing into my mouth aggrsessively and get stomach ache constipation and terrible gas pain to the point were i cannot leave the house this is all down to yrs of restricting and throwing up ive damaged my stomach and esophegus and thats perminant it has had a masdively negative effect on my life relationships and social life. I urge you to get help please dont end up like thid its hell. I wish you love and hope youbcan find hapiness and help. Xxc

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I went onto the site moondragon posted and wanted to quote this to you:


Purging does NOT prevent weight gain

Purging isn’t effective at getting rid of calories, which is why most people suffering with bulimia end up gaining weight over time. Vomiting immediately after eating will only eliminate 50% of the calories consumed at best—and usually much less. This is because calorie absorption begins the moment you put food in the mouth. Laxatives and diuretics are even less effective. Laxatives get rid of only 10% of the calories eaten, and diuretics do nothing at all. You may weigh less after taking them, but that lower number on the scale is due to water loss, not true weight loss.

Bulimia also leaves u puffy and swollen.

I guess the answer to your question is that if you do start to see weight loss it will be a long time until you do.

I hope you can get some help.

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hey, being sick after eating didnt work for me with regards to weight loss, it just made me feel ill....

however if u wanna loose weight id really recomend the paul mcenna i can make u thin programme, seriously it really worked for me


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  • 2 weeks later...

As people have said above, vomiting will not cause you to lose weight.

You say you feel stupid for doing it but can't help it - this is a compulsion. I used to feel the same way. Compulsions are not healthy, it is extremely difficult to ignore them, but I think you know that what you are doing is extremely dangerous and it could end up damaging you significantly. We do not actually know if you are overweight, although you say you have been trying to lose weight. If you are overweight there are healthy ways to slim down - be aware that starvation or overdoing it or vomiting could actually see you gain weight in the end. It is my opinion that the biggest impact on the west of crash dieting is the obesity crisis - crash dieting does the opposite of what you want. People who take on excessive regimes more often than not gain weight in the end.

If you're not overweight, you need help with your body image.

No matter what you think the issue is - go see a doctor. It's best to nip it in the bud as early as possible.

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