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Feel Like A Ghost Today


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I don't feel like myself today.

I know i'm sat here and I know i'm typing but its almost like i'm looking at myself from over my shoulder, I feel empty like my soul is floating several feet behind me not attached not inside, like i'm hollow inside, empty, that my body is just a husk a shell.

I have this weird feeling like im out of place, like i'm on another plane of existence to everything else, I can see and hear everything but its muffled or echoed depending on what it is, none of it seems real, I keep spacing out to and have wasted alot of time staring into space.

I also appear to have done several jobs today that I have no recollection of doing, missing several chunks of time.

This morning my dad also had a go at me for walking around making noise at 1:45 last night, I don't remember still being up or awake by then, I said goodnight to my friend on msn and shut my computer down at about 5 minutes to 1, i went and brushed my teeth and went straight to bed, as far as i can remember.

Don't like these odd feelings they are disconcerting.

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I get this too. When I once described these feelings to a counsellor she told me it was "depersonalisation". Maybe that is what you're suffering with too. For me it was induced by stress, anxiety and insomnia. I try not to panic now because that just made the whole thing worse! Hope you feel less odd soon.

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(((rob))) can understand your sense of unease about this it is scary when it happens. sometimes i think times of extreme stress like u've had recently are in themselves traumatising and i think my mind reacts by going into similar states like you describe here to cut me off from things for a bit.

i hope you feel better soon xxx

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