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To be honest i hate the stuff I'm on a really high dose and it affects my memory, coordination and the fact now that I can't go without it anymore because of mania and psychosis. Also I've put weight on yet again. I think it's probably ok in small doses but also depends on person to person. I have been on many anti psychs I guess this is the one they think I'm best on. Are you thinking of changing you meds?

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hi bumble thanks for replying,

they'd prescribed me promazine for when i get agitated but i really didn't like taking it so i was just getting by with an anti-depressant and diazepam for emergencies. i manage ok some of the time but when my moods get bad or i can't stop worrying about things it really throws me off course. so the pdoc said i should really be taking something else every day. he's prescribed the seroquel building up to 200mg for a month until i see him again and can review it. i'm not going to start it till tomorrow night as i've got an appointment first thing tomorrow and was worried about missing it if i oversleep as i'd heard it can cause you to oversleep at first.

anyway i feel fine now, not depressed and so don't really think i need more meds at these times. but i've agreed to try it primarily as i feel the dr's get sick of me for being 'non-compliant' with other meds. the weight gain doesn't sound fun as i have body image issues but i guess i'm going to just have to try it and see how it goes.

thanks again xxx

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Hi, you are pretty much going to feel rather sleepy at first. I know for many this is a great drug, I didn't want to be gloomy sorry. I have body issues too , sometimes I think i'll just quit my meds because of that. It's really hard I have to tell myself it's better when my mind is blanketed rather than causing trouble. :) xx

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you're not gloomy its your experience. to be honest i'm always wary about starting anything what with the side effects and the pdoc telling me there will be withdrawl/ rebound symptoms if come off it-its just all off putting. but i've agreed now and i guess theres a chance it could be ok xxx

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just wondering how other people have found it? if its been helpful or not,


I did NOT find it helpful at all I am afraid, I gained so much weight with it, It is what alot of psychiatrists give anyone nowadays.

Take care.

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I had a seizure on it. But, I've been wondering since, if I was put on too high a starting dose. I know it's supposed to be built up over time, so what is the usual starting dose?

The psych who prescribed it to me has proven himself an arrogant idiot time after time, so was it a bad reaction on my part, or did he make a mistake?

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i am on it and find it really helpful, tho i sleep for england and been on it long eno for it to be side effects at the start etc, but i prob wouldnt be here without it

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Hiya Vivien,

I have been on / off it since 05.When taken daily i found it harder to get out of bed. Gravity x 20. It gets easier as yr body adjusts tho.

When on highish daily doses found it hard to lose weight i had gained (5st) on zyprexa.

My own exp of it has been thats its good in low doses for a short stressesful while- crisis etc, seems to stop 'overthinking' & overanalysing etc. Then also good as a P.R.N when ya just have wreckedheaditis and need quiet.

As far as the anti-p's go, imho its the best of a bad lot.

Dunno if its just me, but have noticed after i take a p.r.n of it, i feel the next day like im more grogged out and seems to take a wee while for 'normal happy' to come back.

I am no big fan of anti-ps, after getting akathisia after halopiridol (tiny dose), largactil (large dose)& risperdal.

But ye, imho sero is the best, worded for me as a p.r.n. anyhow for a good while.

Best wishes, I hope you dont have to pay for it as its v. v. expensive.

(Irelands health dept in a heap so now have to pay from 1st nov .can not afford that one & others)

Love & hugs & hope it helps you xxx am

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thanks petra,stjaninaro,cad and kitteh for your input

petra-i know, gaining weight can have bad psychological effects in itself. if it works well i guess it'll be worth it, just have to see.

stjaninaro- sorry to hear what happened. tbh i get very worried about stuff like that happening with medication or without medication. it has been said before that i'm a tad para when it comes to physical health problems and i prob am but have also been right on occassions so i don't know if i'm paranoid or not. anyway i've been assured that starting on 50mg is very low, then the next night 100, then then the next 150, then 200. what does did u start on?

cadance-i'm so, so glad its helped you and that you are still here.xxxx

kitteh-jeez i never knew that about having to pay. i know ireland a different country but i automatically just assumed it'd have the same rules regards healthcare. its kind of shocking to think of what might happen to people who depend on certain meds but can't afford them its terrible.

but thanks for telling me your experience, the way i see it is hopefully it won't be as bad as the promazine. i would actually prefer to use the seroquel as a prn as when i feel ok i don't like taking meds but know that when i'm in a mess i def need something. i didn't know people used it in that way. i've agreed to this trial period for now so will see how it goes.

ps like yr new avatar-am feeling all peaced out looking at it :)

thanks everyone xxxx

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I was started on 200mg. Which looking back, I really should have questioned. I'm being forced to go back to see the same pysch on Friday, so I'll be sure to add this to the list of things I need to complain about.

I'm in much the same situation as Badkitteh, live in Ireland too, and just can't afford to stay on meds.

I really, really hope that it works for you and you don't end up having any bad side-effects :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there Vivien, I've been on pretty much all the meds over time. And at one point 6 different psyche meds and tryptofan to boost which wasn't fun. Now I'm on this mix which works best for me as a BPD with avoidant and dependent traits (among other stuff I don't understand):

1000mg depakote (semi-sodium valporate) at night

400mg quetiapine (100 morning and 300 night)

7.5mg zopiclone (changes every few years between this and zoplidem as it stops working eventually)

I find that the depakote makes me lose weight so I guess the weight gain I would have got with quetiapine I don't? Or perhaps it was never the quetiapine making me gain weight? But I'm more stable on these less drugs (used to be on lithium, anti-depressant (higher than max dose), propranolol and all sorts). So guess what I'm saying is bring it on, compared to other mixes quetiapine is a puppy. I've had drugs make me physically sick for months and months and some make me leak breast milk and sleep all the time. In comparison this is a walk in the park for me xxx

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