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Telogen Effluvium - Please Tell Me It Gets Better


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I had something of a meltdown in July and stopped eating, then I ate barely anything for many weeks. I've slowly worked up to four small meals a day (= 1,000 cals in total). In September my hair started shedding, it's gotten worse and worse.. Now I dread washing my hair cos it's falling out by the handful and getting thinner and thinner. I am absolutely devastated and terrified. I am getting loads of vitamins and minerals in my diet and have switched to organic hair products.

I just need some reassurance, my biggest nightmares have always been losing my teeth and losing my hair.. and now it's actually happening. I don't want to see any doctors, I don't believe in conventional medicine.

Please someone tell me success stories, tell me it won't last forever..

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Sounds really tough the things you have been experiencing. Just wanted to say well done, and be proud of yourself for trying to do something about it, increasing your meals a bit will most definitely help. You mentioned you are not a fan of conventional medicine, is there something else you have thinking of? I am sure there are many vitamin and mineral supplements out there, might be worth researching it? Really hope things improve for you, it must be so hard to experience hair loss.


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((((Bigmouth)))) I doesn't last forever and some psyche meds can cause hairloss. I had it terribly for about 6months and had to have my hair cut into long bob as looked all wispy and that. It was depakote (semi-sodium valporate) that did it to me.

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(((Bigmouth))) So sorry you've been going through this. But I sertanly think thaty you have to talk to a doctor about this. Why don't you believe in medicine? Sometimes it's the only way to get help. xxx

Btw, love your avatar, I adore Morrissey. :)

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I have this too at the moment I take a moodstabilizer since I've taken it my hair has fallen out badly. I have a short bob now because it looks so bad. I heard a mixture of coconut oil and aloe vera may help?

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I'm glad you are eating more. I need inspiration to do so as well. I also shy away from conventional medicine. Here is maybe a strange idea, but it worked with our horses. We fed them gelatin mixed into their bran mash to grow their coats and their hooves. Gelatin, including Jello-brand, is made of keratin protein, same as hair, nails, ---and hooves! ;-)



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Hair loss can happen as a result of few calories but it isnt permenant so if you try to get up to a healthy calorie intake it will stop.

but if you cant then just remember it isnt permenant. Like, I am afraid,the menopuase which does effect hair loss and hair growth.

hope that helps, I know because I have done the cambridge diet in the past where you only have 600cals a day x

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