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..but I have a real problem with binge eating/comfort eating.

I used to be an athlete, in great physical shape and I enjoyed eating well and exercising. Since my depression got bad (about 3 years ago) I've just eaten and eaten and not went to the gym or participated in sports. I no longer am in touch with a lot of people I thought were my friends because of the way I look. I'm obese now, I've put on around 5 stone in 3 years. I've tried dieting but I don't seem to lose weight. I cant afford a gym membership, I'm too unfit and self conscious to run or go swimming. I don't like being out in public alone so even walking is getting too hard.

I'm on 60mg citalopram as well as the contraceptive pill and I know they can increase appetite but this is ridiculous.

I just really need some help. How do you get out of this cycle? The worst part is, the only thing that gets me excited about life is the chance to study to become a gym instructor but I cannot even begin to think about that with my body in this shape.

I went to a nutritionist and she just told me to brush my teeth when I want to eat and stop drinking sugary squash. It was very un-inspiring.

Can anyone help?


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Hi Toxie

I have the same problem where I put on weight due to being on anti-psychotics. I've just started a low GI diet and in the last few weeks I have lost weight. It can seem quite a complicated diet to follow but there is loads of info on the internet. I've basically cut out bread, white and brown rice (but not basmati as this has a low GI)pastries, cakes and sweets, I replace white potatoes with sweet potatoes and I snack on fruit or muesli with yoghurt.

maybe this could help you....

starry xxx

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Around 2008 I was an exercise fanatic, very fit. Now I am obese and a couch potato. Its surprisingly easy to swing from one to the other! I've not got any answers unfortunately. There are a lot of diets available, but much less ways of solving the underlying issues that cause people to overeat.

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Hiya Toxie,

My weight swings from 9 to 15st 7 at the highest. I was on anti-p's for years, which gave me an unbelievable appetite.

When i was obese, i distanced myself from friends as i was embarrassed how i looked, and would feel like i was wearing a 'fat suit' but one with no zips.

I got a wii fit when they came out, was heavy then, got down to 11st 7, and started gaining again, i guess i got lazy.

I tried most diets, spent a lot of money on shakes n crap, worked in the short term, but not in the long term.

Exersise dvds/yoga dvds, wii fit and a stationary bike all helped me to get into 'normal' bmi range, have managed to stay at this weight for over a year.

The nutritionist didn't sound very helpful- i have heard the GI way of eating is good, as Starry said.

If you can exercise at home at first if you are not comfortable going out- that helped me a lot.

sparkpeople.com is a free website that incorporates eating & exercise & positive attitude/ support. I would recc it too.

Best wishes, you will get there, xx am

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I have the same problemAll I've eaten today is a tub of Ben & Jerry's, a large piece of chocolate cake and a Dairylea sandwich. Doesn't sound like much but it's probably around 3000 cals.

Every day is the same. Usually I wouldn't have bothered with the sandwich. That's quite healthy for me.

It's like an addiction to sugar and crap.

I've begged and begged for help, but my CPN won't refer me to an ED service (I used to have bulimia), my dietitian is absolutely f**king useless and my shrink insists on telling me how to eat healthily.

I have no idea what to do either. My husband lives on ready meals because I won't eat anything with him.

I honestly don't know what else to do. I have tried everything. It just seems like because we are not underweight, nobody really gives a ****. My sister-in-law is anorexic and has spent years in and out of private treatment on the NHS, and she has no intention of ever getting better. It makes me so angry.

I really, really feel your pain. <3 I hope you can find a way to get past this.

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