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New Home For Marc And Marley :)


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Wow Marc it looks amazing & cool, i never heard of sendin your heating a txt before!

I hope yous will be happy there, the view is unbelievable.

Best of luck, xx am

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Got the keys...

I thought I'd be a bit calmer, and a bit more in the real world today when I walked in, but NO. I was still jumping around like a spring lamb

and to top it all, I proved that you never too old to kick off your shoes and skid along the hallway in your socks.

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oh i seem to have missed the moving in party marc wow to your view its spatacular!!! and the flat looks big inside roomie but not to big ya can't make it ya own and comfy ..... :) welcome home marc and marley ..... :) xox

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some of you know that I've been struggling quite a bit lately.Moving into my new home with my little girl has been a very stressful time.

I love our new home so much, it's everything I could have ever hoped for, it really is n amazing place.

During the move, it just seems that every obstacle Some of the people from the council that I'm moving from have been complete fuckwits.

One particular council employee, didn't seem to give a toss about my mental health, the fact that I didn't really have any help moving or doing any repairs to the old place.All he was interested in was making sure he let me know how much I was being charged because my housing benefit for the old flat had stopped.

If only this man had the slightest idea how emotional it is for me being in that old flat, with all the memoires from the last seven or eight years running around in my head.

On top of that I had a chest infection, and had two pretty big asthma attacks.

Some of what I'm going to type now could be a trigger to some, as it contains stuff about my sexual abuse among other horrible things.

As I've been packing and moving, I've been pretty much alone at the time in the old flat, and all the memories from the past have played over in my head.

I was given that flat when I got out of hospital after a couple of suicide attempts.

The reason I tried to end it back then was because of a violent sexual assault on me , that ended with attempted murder.For many years after that, I pretty much just stayed in bed drinking, watching tv and self harming. For about five years, I would spend a couple of times in hospital and in the crisis home every year. Then when I started to get my self sorted out, and met a woman,she just abused me and my trust.(I'm not talking about Jades , this was a different woman) That ended up with another quite spectacular suicide attempt.

Then I met Jades and although things didn't work out, I refuse to have any regrets, because it brought our beautiful Marley to us.

So as you can imagine, it's been mentally draining, apart from all that going on in my head, I've been let down countless times with promises of help.

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Marc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

For what it's worth from me: the fact that you are entering a new phase in your life may of course be triggering painful memories, plus good times as well.

Moving house is such a massive, stressful deal - I've just been out for a meal with the girls and a friend's sister has just moved, which has caused tears and massive rows within the family.

It's such a huge thing to do in anyone's life as it involves facing a new future (albeit one that we really want and are looking forward to, deep down). We have to physically sift through all of our belongings, deciding what to hold on to and what we should really shed. All of this obviously involves keeping and parting with emotions and feelings - we literally have to take stock of our past and future. The uncomfortable present involves the physical act of the move itself, which as you say includes shed loads of red tape, endless phone calls and repeating the same info over and over to people who can appear to care very little of what we're going through :mad0233:

Hang in there!!! Even though you are stressed out, emotional, triggered (and bloody well ill on top of everything) you are here, talking about it and dealing with it. You are a hero!! Remember we are all here for you to talk to and we are all rooting for you and Marley to get settled into your new house - ride this storm through, concentrate on getting your place right and any minute now it won't be your house, your place....because you both will be HOME xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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((Marc)) so sorry that things have been so difficult - moving is horrendous, I hate having to do it because there is so much to think about, get organised and do.

But you've done it, it has been extremely painful for you but you have shown such strength - you've got through it for you and Marley and I hope that once your old flat has been handed back to the council that things start to settle down for you and you and Marley can have a wonderful Christmas in your lovely new home.

Love and hugs xx

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((((((((((((((Marc)))))))))))))) you have come so far and achieved so much it's understandable you feel like this. It's all change at the station and you aren't sure where the friggin' train is going! It's hard to hold onto something that is constantly moving. I'm sending you much love dear bro and a big hug from your hippie sis xxx

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What a day thats been...................."fuck a duck" that was a fricking heroic effort today.

Marley got me up at 5am, she had some breakie, and we headed stright out the door to the old place.we got there at 6am. she was so good for me,

I worked flat out all morning, .....almost lost the plot quite late, but held it together, and got the keys handed in with 10 minutes to spare, talk about cutting it fine.

at home now, sitting on my very comfy sofa, having a cuddle with my Marley.

(dreaming about the super hot bath with epsom salts tht i'm diving into the second she goes to bed gonna soak with a brew and a fag)

Thanks for having faith in me guys,I just about ran out of it here.

So the council have there keys back,and me and my Marley are free of that dump, and settled in our new palace.

thanks everyone.

Marley n' Marc xxxx

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Yayyyyyyyyy!! A huge well done sweets. I hope that now the old flat has gone, you and Marley can start a new and very happy chapter of your lives. Marley is lucky to have a very lovely and strong daddy.

Enjoy your cuddles with Marley and also your bath later :) xxxx

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hey well done hun - moving is extremely stressful without the added hassle of tw*ts in offices etc etc...

and remember, it's ok to grieve for non-people type things... i was devastated when i had to give up my house when i got divorced... but it is a loss just the same, just like people grieving about losing a job... whether you loved it or hated it or a bit of both, it still affects you and it can still hurt... be gentle with yourself and allow the emotions to pass if you can...

i am so proud of what you have achieved - what you have fought so hard for... and i just love seeing the pix of marley and her happy smiley/giggly face... they always brighten my day... she is an angel and will add to the strength you already hold within you...

so yeah... kick back and chill and take a bit of YOU time now.... you deserve it... :)

((((((((((marc & marley)))))))))) xxx

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Bloody brilliant news marc- hope you feel proud of all you've achieved today. Now the fun part - getting your palace exactly how you and Marley want it xxxxxxxxxxx

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It was so nice waking up this morning , (even at the ungodly hour of 5:30) , and not having to think about that old flat.

Marley jumped into bed with me, insisting on a sing song, then breakie at 6:30.

We then went out,and I treated myself to a new pair of sweeeeeeeeeet trainers.

She's having a nap right now, so I'm just gonna take these precious quiet minutes, and put my feet up and have a sneeky bottle of ale.

marc x

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Love the new place and so happy to hear you and marley are doing well! The view is priceless, hope you make tons of amazing memories there :)


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