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Wisdom Tooth


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This may seem like a strange place to put the fact that I have had wisdom tooth surgery today.

The reason why I have put it here is because the last time I had to go under an anaesthetic when I had my hip replaced I completely freaked out with anxiety and sobbing uncontrollably when they came to take me down to theatre but today - none of that! :)

I was nervous and a bit shakey when I signed the consent forms but apart from that I was fine.

My dentist referred me to a private hospital and boy what a difference - if we ever win the lottery I am signed hubby and I up for private health care straight away. I have had private treatment before when I had medical insurance with my job and had forgotten just how good it is - I am not knocking the NHS by the way, I know that have so little money to work with and they have saved my life a few times!

The other good thing is that the dental surgeon thought he was going to have to cut my gum and chip at some of the bone to get it out but he only had to cut the gum which was brilliant.

He injected my gum with painkillers and steriods to stop any swelling and I haven't got any pain or swelling - result!!

I was expecting to come home with a face the size of a melon and in agony but so far so good :)

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That's great news! I'm so glad it went well and you have no pain :)

You're so brave. I haven't been to the dentist in a long time and I really should go... Most of my teeth are actually dissolving.. :s

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Thanks so much ((everyone)) - and ooooo lovely shiny badge :) thank you Villan xx

Absolutely shattered now - so PJs and bed for me - night night and hope you all sleep well xx

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thats such good news that it was a good experience :) the prospect of having to have another ga one day scares me too but you handled it brilliantly xxxx

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That's great news! I had one out in the chair (eeks) and felt the whole thing even though I had like 7 times the anaesthetic (ok I have the constitution of an Ox). So got referred to NHS for other 3 to come out at once. I was writing my will and all sorts as never had a general at that point and was really scared. But an hour or so after op was up and drinking tea and having toast whereas rest of dental ward were spitting blood and being ill. LOL, I bet you got some star treatment in there, glad you got treated well and it's now all done. xxx

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Vivien - thanks sweets - it's not the fact that I might die under the anaesthetic, it's the fact that I may wake up during the op and not be able to tell anyone that I can feel everything that is going on. But I've had 3 now and that has never happened so if I have to have another in the future, which I will if I live to 60 because my replacement hip will need replacing again by then, I shall feel less worried about it hopefully xx

Cadance - thank you :) xx

Myla - I agree wisdom teeth are buggers and they shouldn't be allowed!! xx

Roses - OMG you are Mrs Brave if you still managed to sit there when you could feel everything, I would have been off like a shot!! I was just a bit dopey when they took me back to my room but after about an hour I felt fine and had some sandwiches, yoghurt and a cup of tea. Yeah even though it went OK - I am pleased that it is all over xx

Edit - PS ran out likes :(

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well done cats :) i dont understand the fear of dentists and that but i DO understand the fear of toothache and other stuff so i can understand fear :huh: anyway wat im saying is well done :lol:

ive had several teeth taken out in the chair, including 3 wisdom teeth, and even had a filling done without any anaesthetic :o but im one of those 'rather the drill than the toothache' lol

hope your mouth isnt too sore for too long xx

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Thanks Toastie :) - you are very brave too! Do you know, it's really not bad at all, I've got no swelling and no pain but then I am taking Tramadol but I was expecting it to be so much worse! I've got to take antibiotics for 5 days and use this mouthwash that they gave me for 5 days and the stitches are those that dissolve themselves and I've eaten today and that hasn't been a problem either.

There was some worry about nerve damage because of the way the tooth was positioned but I've got away with that as well and can feel all my face which is good xx

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