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Overweight With Anorexic Behaviour...

Colourful Panda

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it was suggested by the last therapist I had that I have an eating disorder but he wasn't qualified to diagnose so he wouldn't say which he thought it was... but I'm terrified of getting it looked into by my GP or anyone with the power to diagnose me with one because I normally get laughed at when people know what I look like and I say I have a lot of problems when it comes to eating.

my behaviour is very much anorexic, I've looked into it all a lot over the last 6-8 months and keep finding myself being more and more sure that it's true.

see, now here's my problem... I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and so that makes me gain weight, I currently need to lose roughly 80pounds to be a good weight for my height but no matter how little I eat, how much exercise I do and even the weight-loss medication (Orilstat) I've been given to help me lose weight isn't helping. I'm stuck being overweight it seems but I fit so much in the anorexic behaviour that it's hard to ignore and it shouldn't be ignored.

would the fact that I am overweight mean I'd be diagnosed with EDNOS instead purely because I don't fit a weight requirement by the diagnostic criteria?


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I'm sorry you're having a tough time. I don't really think it's right for anyone to say what they think you will be diagnosed with...it's for the professionals to say so I don;t want to give you wrong information. Why don;t you want to talk to your GP about it? A diagnosis could get you help you need, just as importantly, the support you need.

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that's awful.

it's a pity that weight has so much to do with it, isn't it?

I've decided to go on my own and try to recover. I need to lose weight and to do that I need to up my calorie intake so my body stops storing all this fat... so now I'm in recovery but getting no help other than the support of my partner who's also trying to lose weight. this is going to be really tough but I hope I can stick to it. so far I'm doing okay and managing to eat about 1000+ calories rather than the 600-800 that I was eating before.

going to ask my therapist for more help tomorrow... see if she has any ideas. I don't know how experienced she is with eating disorders, though, so I'm not sure how much she can say or do for me.

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Hi there, I have dx of anorexia as a teen and then bulimia as an adult. I have been underweight and overweight and I have polycystic ovaries too. The way the doctor explained it to me they said that when you are overweight with PCOS it is hard to lose the weight cos of the hormones (plus MH meds don't help) and when in healthy weight range is easier to regulate it. I have found that when I am a stone lighter than I am now I can eat like a horse and burn it off but now I am a stone heavier than my normal I am finding it really hard to lose the weight and am resulting to laxatives and partial starvation again. It's a viscious cycle and I'm sorry you are feeling it too xxx

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hey panda

I am serverly over weight and have struggled for a long time, i also have PCOS. I have ranged from binge eater to bulimic to binger to compulsive overeater, I havent been given a label as such, but it is acknowledged that i have an eating disorder, its something i think i will always struggle with, but hopefully will get there one day.

I would recommend looking up eating disorder groups in your area, if there are any, they can be really helpful. xx

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thank you guys for being supportive ^_^

i would go to an eating disorder group but i cant really leave the house alone, other wise i'd probably be getting much more support than i am. maybe one day i will if i can and also if i still need the help at that point. so far recovering alone is going somewhat okay but i am still starving here and there when i feel i've eaten too much, but i'm still doing far better than i was.

i told my therapist yesterday for the first time how bad my eating disorder has been, i told her i was barely having 600-800 calories a day for years and she was shocked. i hate that i've got so good at keeping things to myself and putting on fake smiles when i cant deal with people knowing certain things.

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Hi Panda,

According to the DSM-IV, you cannot be diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa UNLESS you weigh 85% or less of your expected weight and you have lost your regular menstrual cycle. (Amenorrhea is a fancy word for "don't have your period.)

From Wikipedia: "There has been criticisms over various aspects of the diagnostic criteria utilized for anorexia nervosa in the DSM-IV. Including the requirement of maintaining a body weight below 85% of the expected weight and the requirement of amenorrhea for diagnosis; some women have all the symptoms of AN and continue to menstruate.[137] Those who do not meet these criteria are usually classified as eating disorder not otherwise specified this may affect treatment options and insurance reimbursment. "

I hope this helps answer your question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

who needs a label. you have an eating disorder clearly if you are eating so few cals a day. problem is your body gets used to it so it adapts & get harder & harder to lose weight. trust me i've been ana for 20 yrs. just got my bmi up to 18 for the 1st time ever and s**t do i feel huge. did a cert in nutrition tho. u need to gradually retrain your body to accept more food, and increase your metabolism. do LOTS of exercise - not excessive tho - aim to burn 400 cals/3 -4 times/week at least and aim for 1800 cals a day at the same time. just trust me. your body will sort itself out. once it's stable u can start a sensible diet if u need to - by eating 1500 cals/day, & exercising sensibly. when i put on weight at first it was all on my tummy and i tried to kill myself cos of it but the docs said it would even itself out & redistribute by itself if i gave it time & it really did, u just have to be patient & take chill-drugs in the meantime!!

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  • 2 months later...

Uh why do they always have to squeeze you into an exact box... when they could just think about what you need!

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yeah - I'm a bloke so I'd say I probably don't have a menstrual cycle - my belly is like a football and the rest of me stick thin, so I manage to be overweight and underweight at the same time - my weight is 'normal' but my belly is 'fat' and my legs 'thin' (good use of technical terms by the medics). Apparently the result of alternate starving and bingeing for a million years...

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