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Hey all,

BPD and chronic depressive sufferer here, I have always been avoidant of most meds but after a particularly bad period recently my P Doc suggested Agomelatine, in the past I have reacted badly to both SSRI's and Tricyclates bringing about particularly bad periods of suicide ideation and occasionally attempts. Since Agomelatine falls into neither the SSRI or Tricyclate camp she seemed to suggest that I was less likely to experience the "catastophic" type side effects and I must say I have read some very positive reports on its action (especially around normalising sleep patterns) . So what are other peoples experiences of this drug? good? bad? please feedback.

n.b first post on forum so apologies if this has been covered before - probably has!! :)

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Hi there nodger, I haven't been on this drug but I have been through a lot of different ones before I found the right ones for me. My advice is to give it a go for a short while and see if you do react well to it. Anything is worth a shot at making you feel better and if the doctor thinks this is a less reacty one it shows they are listening to your needs and trying to accommodate you which is positive to hear as well. Best of luck xxx

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Thanks roses, in terms of use i believe it still in its early stages , available for about the last four years including tests, only certain eu countries but not in the states funnily enough so I feel like a bit of a guinea pig!! - day two and nothings happened as yet!

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