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Over Eating In Secret


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I now have to admit to myself that I do have a problem with food! I have NEVER told anyone as I'm embarrassed and feel guilty but I can't stop!

I hardly eat during the day even though I think bout food all the time and panic if I haven't any crisps or chocolate at home, I wait for my hubby to go to bed and then I binge on the snacks I've got until I feel so full! I don't always make myself feel sick but I always feel bad for doing it! Does anyone else do do this or is it just me? I so feel all alone and that it's my secret, all the time I'm doing it I'm not hurting! In fact I'm screaming on the inside for help xxx

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i do this to some extent hun. i hate eating in front of other people so only eat small amounts, but sometimes eat lots when on my own. why do you think you hardly eat during the day? xx

edit- sorry day not say lol

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I now have to admit to myself that I do have a problem with food! I have NEVER told anyone as I'm embarrassed and feel guilty but I can't stop!

I hardly eat during the day even though I think bout food all the time and panic if I haven't any crisps or chocolate at home, I wait for my hubby to go to bed and then I binge on the snacks I've got until I feel so full! I don't always make myself feel sick but I always feel bad for doing it! Does anyone else do do this or is it just me? I so feel all alone and that it's my secret, all the time I'm doing it I'm not hurting! In fact I'm screaming on the inside for help xxx

I don't have a problem with this but it sounds awful what you're going through...It is good that you can tell us,Can you tell your GP or therapist if you have one? :hug2:

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i have had a very bad relationship food, eating in secret is something i have done since i was a little girl. these days i stil get the thought, and if i give and by something and keep it or eat it, i try to always tell my partner, it takes the shame away from it a bit, and changes it to something then i feel i have more of a choice over, if that makes sense. It was so hard the first few times, but now, its getting easier and i actually feel relieved to have shared it with someone.

How do you think your partner would respond to hearing you do eat in secret

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I eat in secret, couldn't eat in front of anyone apart from very close people.

I think there are two issues with you, the over eating and the secrecy. The over eating sounds like pure hunger from not eating all day so you over compensate and the secrecy is probably the feeling of shame regarding food? I assume that's why you can't eat in front of people or in the day time?

If you have any MH support I would try to talk about it. There are so many reasons behind food/eating disorders and for them not to become full blown it needs to be sorted quite quickly I believe. Especailly if you sometimes make yourself sick..it becomes addictive and very hard to stop.

Try not to feel guilty or embarassed, it's a disordered thinking, not something you do by choice.xx

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(((((jaffasmummy))))) I had anorexia as an early teen and then bulimia that I mainly kind of got over in my early 20's with some prozac but tbh it has never left me. The food I do eat I calorie count obsessively. I have BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) and what I see is apparently different to what I am which is bizarre as I am fat and about a stone overweight so I should feel bad! I do still binge sometimes but a binge to me is eating a bowl of crisps which I will then purge by taking laxatives. When I was really bad I was taking 20 a day of senna! Plus throwing up what was left and I was very thin. Now I'm on some ducosate laxative from GP cos of painkillers but often I take 2-4 senna as well. I just can't stop and I completely sympathise with you. Perhaps you could talk to a professional about it and get some help? xxx

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