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News Re Dbt Start

Shadow girl

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After 18 months and lots of confusion re the waiting list and waiting times there is an end in sight. They have now told me that unless something big happens I will start the committment / preparation stuff in march and should start DBT properly in May. I had got to the point where I believed it would never happen. I'm so relieved an end of the waiting is in sight and I'll get to do something helpful reasonably soon. It means I'll have to get used to a new keyworker from the dbt team and say goodbye to my CPN who's been great. Alll being well I'll never need him again.

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I'm so glad it's happening at last, i really hope it does start this time. Its horrible waiting around and wondering if it will ever happen

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Seems like everyone has to wait so long for help... I had only to wait one week before someone would see me. Is that unusual? Or am I just a huge world problem that needs to be 'taken care of'?

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Thanks everyone.

Yaz, it is normal to be seen within one week if you are referred to your mental health team as an emergency, and one month (I think) if its a non-urgent referral. The waits come in once you are referred into speoalist services, and even then the initial saasessment to make sure it's the right referral for you is often fairly quick. For example, My initial assessment for DBT by the DBT team was in early November 2010, just 6 weeks after my initial referral. The waiting times are created by how many people can use the service at one time and how well resourced it is. I now know that the DBT service here is run by 6 team members and only 6 people can use the serce at one time (for a min of 1 year) because the team are seconded one day a week to provide the service. Last year the team (and therefore participants) was down to five because of a member on maternity leave. If I had known all that I wouldn't have got so distressed at the wait which was much longer than normal. What I'm saying is that the fact you were seen in one week is quite normal and no reflection on you. x

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Yes, the waiting is the thing. I got referred to the personlity disorder hub for assessment in January 2011. I got my appt with them in June and had 8 appts with them before they came to a decision which took some weeks too, obviously I was ill in hospital and there were breaks in the appts making it even longer. So in Sept I think it was I got my BPD official diagnosis and was told I would get urgently onto DBT programme as nothing they have tired so far has worked. I quickly got 2 appts to make sure I was able and could commit and that and was then told in January I would start 8 weeks of pre-therapy therapy which is just bizarre, to hopefully start DBT proper in March! So far have not had appt for pre-therapy therapy *goes red with frustration and anger*

They say the British are good at waiting but we have not bloody choice!!!

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