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Dbt Therapist Away


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Ok so my DBT therapist is away for a week so im on my second week of no support from here (self harm is up the wall). Anyways I have two people I can call which I dont know in Crisis and not being funny but I cant talk to people I dont know. So one of these people has called me twice but I havent answered shes not leaving voice messages so I dunno what she wants. But my anxiety gets bad when my Phone rings and I dunno who the person is. I normally listen to voicemails and call back if necessary but its on my own terms and i have a plan of what to say (which is an improvement for me).

So now its stressing me out cos I dunno what to do I really wish she had just left a message.

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hi I am sure she just wants to make sure you are ok. but totally know what you mean, I never answer the phone I always leave it to voicemail.

must be hard with your T being away but hold on in there as she/he will be back soon xxx

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I understand! I often can't make calls or have a panic when it rings. It's awful and can make life very difficult - especially as getting help is usually reliant on a phone call. Hope you are put at ase soon. x

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I never answer the phone either if i can help it and we dont even have voice mail. even if someone i like phones its not a nice experience talking on the phone to them. its horrible and exposing talking to someone i can't see and they always want me to speak up so i feel like i'm shouting at them and i'm scared of my mum over hearing which she always seems to. phones are horrible!

I've got a number i'm supposed to phone if i'm suicidal but i need to be in a very good state mentally to use the phone and i'm not in one if i'm suicidal. I have told them they need other forms of contact as picking up the phone is a big thing for a lot of people and they ignore me and tell me to use the phone number. they dont even say "i'm sorry, the phone is our only point of contact but the people who work there are really kind compassionate and fully trained in dealing with mental stress", they do nothing to make the phone seem more aproachable

as you wrote your first post on the 24th your dbt therapist is probably back now. I hope you got through it ok. there are lots of people here who understand xxx

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