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Eating Disorder Help?


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I recently saw a counsellor to try and find why I am so depressed. After some time he asked me when I last had a period, my height and how much I weigh. My last period was 8 months ago, I'm 5 foot 10 and weight 8 stone. Without really asking any other questions about this he has referred me to an eating disorder clinic. I know I have issues with food but do I really need to go to a clinic? I really don't think I am that underweight.

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The health professionals work to your BMI (body mass index) if you google it you can work out what they reckon your "healthy" weight should be. To me it sounds like you may be on the light side of OK but to refer you without asking how you feel about food smacks of arrogance to me. Some people are just naturally slim or slightly underweight just like some of us struggle with the other end and keeping our weight down. Can you ask this professional what their basis of referring you was? xxx

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I think he may have based it on the fact I do not think I am slim. I've struggled to keep my weight this low for about 6 years now through a strict vegan diet and a lot of exercise. I just feel I would be a 'fraud' going to an ED clinic where people have far more serious problems than me. I must admit that in maintaining this weight I have pretty much isolated myself. I've never really made friends because a) I am shy and b.) I find social situations with food, drink etc. hard and feel uncomfortable eating around others.

I'm not sure what I am getting at except I think an ED clinic is surely meant for much more serious cases?

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It seems your counsellor has concerns over your eating and weight and has referred you on to ED clinic. You also say you have anxiety over food, ie isolating yourself when maintaining your weight.

Doyou feel you have a problem with your eating habits?- if so, you should not regard yourself a fraud and I am sure the ED clinic would not regard you as a fraud either. x

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Your councellor asked your height, weight etc to work out your bmi. Because he would have seen that you are underweight and have concerns for your health, to have a BMI that low is why you have no periods and he obviously saw this straight away. (Sorry, Roses I think you may have miscalculated the bmi?)

Please accept their help, and go to the eating disorder clinic. You don't think you are underweight because it's anorexia and it won't let you 'see' your body properly. Yours is a serious case, you deserve and need the treatment.

I urge you to go and try to get to a more healthy weight by them helping you with your fears over food and your perception of yourself x

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I think the counsellor was right when he said I have been using it as a way of control. My life does seem out of control which is why I am afraid of taking the help and letting go of my restrictive eating/lifestyle as it is all I have.

Thank you so so much for taking the time to respond. xx

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