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No Professinal Help


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We have EDNOS ( well we have never been digonised ) and we tried to seek help for our eating disorder ...we have gone to a dr and because our BMI is 40 she couldnt do anything ...she said that she would weight us every time we go and see her but she hasnt kept that up ...she said that we cant see a dietion because we dont have diabeates and we arent under a set BMI ...we are hardly eating 700 - 1000 calories a day and we are also taking diet pills as well as some times purging as well

We have tried to eat normally but cant bring ourselves to eat over a set amount per day ...we have even tried drinking drinks that are high in calorie but we still cant seem to do it ....we are losing weight

Ana one of the alters is saying that we need to eat even less and exercise a lot more than what we are doing now ...we need help but no one will help us

We tried looking for a ed group in our area and there none at all and there is no help for some one with a high BMI at all in my area ...We guess we have to wait til we are thin enough to get help by then there could be a lot of damage done


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  • 2 weeks later...

hello...i am a recovered/recovering anorexic and i also have a certificate in nutritional advice. i also started training to become a nutritional therapist.

if you eat less than 1200 cals a day your body goes into "starvation mode" where your metabolism slows right diwn so you won't burn any cals off, and it desperately hangs onto any food you do consume so the little you eat is stored as fat.

also starving your body causes it to crave "fixes" which is why you binge, diet pills also cause binging as you get rebound hunger as they wear off.

the best way to lose weight is to eat 1500 cals per day of low GI food - complex carbs like wholemeal bread, lots protein, this will keep your blood sugar stable so you won't crave "bad" foods & end up binging. AND you should exercise but not obsessively. 4 times per week 45 mins a time max. see a personal trainer for just 1 session to get you started

whilst i would never endorse diet pills, i have found acai berrry supplements to be good - they are really high in anti-oxidants & other good stuff AND they tend to stop food cravings in between meals

BUT get them from somewhere reputable not some dodgy internet site!

if you would like then i can work with you to draw up a healthy & realistic diet plan. first you would need to write down EVERYTHING you eat/drink for a week. this will help me see which minerals, vitamins etc are lacking from your diet as well, and it would help me draw up a diet plan that includes foods that u like so would be more likely to stick to.

let me know/pm me if u r interested. lou x

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It's so hard isn't it.

I can't get any help (apart from a dietitian) even though my BMI is 34 and I used to be bulimic.

To be honest I have started purging again recently just because I am so fed up of it all and it seems like the only answer.

A dietitian isn't really much help to be honest, we all know what we should and shouldn't be eating. What I think I need is help with the behaviours and self-esteem and stuff like that but because I'm not at a low weight, they can't do anything. Or so they say.

I don't know what the answer is.

I've tried loads. I have a book called "Overcoming bulimia and binge-eating", but it hasn't really helped me so far.

I think the depression makes it worse as well because when you feel so low you don't see the point in eating healthily. I don't anyways.

You could try going back to the GP, or a different GP, and just ask what your options are.

If nothing, maybe look into self-help? Or even somewhere private if that's an option money-wise. I wish it was for me.


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