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Absolute Recovery?


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This may come across as quite sombre but I've been wondering whether it actually is possible to come out of depression, I mean completely come out of it and become normal I guess.

I'm almost twenty three years old, for as long as I can remember I've dealt with depression, throw into the mix bad parenting, a lot of drugs and a messed up child hood I'm obviously not the most balanced of people.

As I'm sure most people have I've had phases where things have been good, occasionally I'll have a day where things seem a bit brighter perhaps a week where everything's grand but it always reverts to the depressive state. Almost like that's the norm' I guess how most people are usually okay but have stages of feeling low I can't help thinking I'm the opposite... stages of feeling okay before reverting to the usual state of rubbishness. Full of good intentions.

Like I said - Sombre subject, just wondered what you guys thought, whether you've truly come out of it for good and how that's been?

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I think that, rather than looking at it being "cured", the angle i prefer is a lot more to do with making the changes that need to be made, and accepting that somethings are different, some things are harder.... They might always be that way, but that we don't have to look at them as curses with regards to our MH and diagnoses.

I know i am very all over the place most of the time, but I do believe that, even with BPD, i can recover from it. Though that recovery, to me, isn't finding a cure. It's learning to understand, accept, and make peace with it, and in doing so, prevent it from ruining my life, and instead, focusing on the blessings of it.


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I'm sure its possible but for whatever reason it doesnt always happen. tho people are making new discoveries and trying new things all the time so probably the percentage of recoveries might maybe grow?

also you can look at recovery in different ways. with some physical illnesses like cancer you can be cured but then sometimes it comes back again. and with some injuries you can get better and do all the things you could do before your injury but there might always be a weakness in that body part so you have a bigger chance of being injured there again than most people without the weakness or it might feel fine in the summer but get painful and stiff in the winter. If you look at recovery like this i think you can 'recover' but there might always be a weakness or a chance it could come back or like with injuries it might be more painful in winter like with SAD or at a time that reminds you of the bad times. I think with physical illness and injuries this usually still counts as recovery even tho theres a chance it might cause more problems so you could look at mental health the same way.

but then like Lily said maybe mental health like other health problems can be cured but not a disability. So you might say depression is an illness and can be cured, bpd (for example) is a disability so it can't be cured (if it is a disability, tbh i'm not sure but there are definately conditions that are mental disabilities). But maybe you shouldnt say never, people who become physically disabled do sometimes recover from it like people who are told they wont walk again but then do walk or people who learn to work around there condition and the new way of doing things becomes natural. so why not mental disabilities? I think maybe it would be harder to recover from a mental disability because mental strength seems to be a big party of recovery from a physical disability and its hard to be mentally strong when its your mind thats disabled in some way. But its probably not impossible.

unfortunately recovery from mental health problems isnt just about you, the people in your life are always going to have an effect and that could be negative. With me physical health might also play a part. My sister says i will stop being depressed ifi go out and get a job. But the fact is it would be difficult for me even to comit to say 1 afternoon a week because even if i'm physically capable of going somewhere once a week I cant garantee being physically capable on a particular time on a particular day. So a job might solve all my problems but atm most jobs are impossible. So there are other circumstances around you that might effect your recovery. It might be the opposite for me, if i get away from my parents not working might be an important part of my recovery because I might need to recover from the hurt my parents caused before i'm ready to face the world. But thats another reason why its hard to find the right circumstances for recovery, it must be so difficult to predict what the right circumstances are

I hope this makes sense and its relivant, tbh it all made sense in my head but lots of things that make sense in my head are wrong!

(sorry its so long, i used to write essays shorter than this!)

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